Use a Free Online RSVP Tool

Streamline your event signups with a cutting-edge RSVP tool from Jotform! Designed to make event planning and coordination a breeze, our RSVP link creator lets you collect RSVPs from your participants seamlessly — whether you’re putting on a conference, a workshop, or an unforgettable celebration.


Explore RSVP Tools

Tidak tahu harus mulai dari mana? Pilih salah satu template RSVP siap pakai kami untuk memulai dan menyesuaikannya sesuai keinginan Anda. Unggah logo, tambahkan pertanyaan Anda sendiri, dan banyak lagi untuk mencocokkan pencitraan merek Anda. 

Temukan Semua Templat

Seret & Lepas

Drag-and-Drop App Builder

Easily create and customize your own RSVP app with Jotform’s drag-and-drop app builder. Create custom descriptions, upload images, change fonts and colors, and add any other widgets or elements you need to jazz up your RSVP app. Stay in the loop with instant event updates, schedule changes, and important announcements.

Drag-and-Drop App Builder

App Widgets

Configure Your RSVP App

Add app widgets like a countdown clock and payment gateways to your RSVP app to create a seamless experience for both yourself and your users. Integrate with 100+ trusted platforms like Zoom, Asana, and more. You’ll also be able to choose from 30+ payment gateways to collect seamless payments — including Apple Pay and PayPal, to name a few.

Configure Your RSVP App

Keamanan Data

Keamanan data formulir bermutu tinggi

At Jotform, your security is our top priority. All submissions are protected with a 256-bit SSL connection, encryption, and PCI certification. Jotform follows GDPR and CCPA regulations, and you can get optional HIPAA features to protect private patient information.

High-grade form data security

Publikasikan & Bagikan

Publikasikan dan bagikan dalam hitungan detik

When you’re finished customizing your RSVP app, generate a custom URL and share it with your audience. Send out your app via email, link to it in your social media bios, share a QR code, or embed it directly into your website to make RSVPing easier than ever.

Publish and share in seconds

Jotform Table

Lacak Tanggapan di Tabel Jotform

Thanks to our RSVP tracker, you can track and manage your RSVPs from any device. Oversee your attendees, keep tabs on important data coming in, and create professional reports for your executives all from one convenient platform.

Track Responses in Jotform Tables

Apa yang dikatakan pengguna kami tentang Jotform

Saya tidak memiliki latar belakang pengembang, namun pembangun aplikasi tanpa kode Jotform memudahkan pembuatan aplikasi yang menarik secara visual dan ramah pengguna.

Nicole Wreaks,

Content Creation & Business Development, EWYN Studios

How to collect RSVPs using Jotform

Jelajahi Aplikasi Jotform, pembuat aplikasi seluler tanpa kode gratis kami! Dalam tutorial ini, kami akan menunjukkan bagaimana Anda dapat membuat aplikasi seluler Anda sendiri tanpa pengkodean apa pun.

RSVP Tool Youtube Thumbnail

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut Tentang RSVP

Penelusuran Anda "{searchValue}" tidak cocok dengan hasil apa pun.

  • What is an RSVP?

    An RSVP is an individual’s response to an event invitation confirming whether or not they will attend. A complete collection of RSVPs helps an event organizer plan ahead for an event.

  • How do I make an RSVP link with Jotform’s RSVP tool?

    You can create an RSVP link in seconds with Jotform’s RSVP tool! After deciding whether you want to create an RSVP form or app, simply choose the RSVP template that works best for you. You can customize it to your liking with our drag-and-drop customization tools, then send it out via email, link, QR code, or by embedding it in your website. The form or app will generate a link for you in the Publish tab, so you can forward it instantly.

  • Untuk apa RSVP digunakan?

    RSVP digunakan untuk memberi tahu penyelenggara acara apakah ada undangan yang hadir. RSVP biasanya digunakan untuk undangan pernikahan, konferensi, pemesanan, undangan ulang tahun, janji temu, reservasi, dan banyak lagi. Baik acara tersebut diadakan secara langsung atau digital, Anda harus menggunakan aplikasi atau formulir RSVP untuk melacak berapa banyak orang yang akan hadir sehingga Anda dapat mempersiapkan acara Anda sebaik mungkin.

  • Is making an RSVP link easy?

    With Jotform, you can generate an RSVP link in seconds. Once you’re done customizing your RSVP form or app, go to the Publish tab where you’ll find an auto-generated link waiting for you. That’s it! Share your link with ease.

  • Apa yang dimaksud dengan RSVP pada undangan?

    RSVP is short for, “Répondez s’il vous plaît,” which directly translates to “Respond, if you please.” This term has become shorthand to indicate that the individual sending an invitation would like invitees to respond so that they can confirm overall attendance. This is especially important for large events like weddings, where planners need to know how much food and drink to order, tables to set up, etc.

  • Apa format terbaik untuk RSVP?

    The best format for an RSVP is generally a short form that your invitees can respond to with ease. Since people can get distracted easily, the shorter, the better when it comes to RSVPs.

  • What do I include in an RSVP?

    The great thing about RSVPs is that you can keep them short and sweet. Some forms may just have one box that invitees can check to signal whether they’re attending or not. You can also include fields to collect the invitee’s name, address, phone number, email, etc. If you want to collect reasons why an invitee cannot attend, include a text box where they can provide an explanation.

  • Can I create multiple RSVPs?

    Yes. You can create RSVPs for as many events as you need to. Jotform offers templates for all kinds of RSVPs, from event invitations to business meetings to beauty appointments. If you need to create a second RSVP for the same event, you can do that too!

  • What are the benefits of using RSVPs?

    RSVPs are hugely beneficial in the event-planning process, because they help planners know how many people will attend. This allows them to adjust for factors like space, food, accommodations, speakers, and more. If you were expecting 100 people to show up and instead you got 1,000, you wouldn’t be prepared to host the event — hence why sending out an RSVP form is so important.

  • Can guests update their information after RSVPing?

    In some cases, guests can update their information after RSVPing. The RSVP form may have an option that allows attendees to change their answer on the spot. If not, they might need to reach out to the organizer to explain that they will no longer be able to attend. This is entirely dependent on the RSVP form that was used.

  • Is my guests’ personal information safe and secure?

    If you use an RSVP form from Jotform, every respondent’s information is kept safe and secure. Jotform uses a 256-bit SSL connection, offers encryption features, and has PCI certification. Jotform is also GDPR, CCPA, and (for Enterprise plans) SOC 2 compliant so you can rest easy knowing that all form data is protected.

  • Is there any confirmation email after RSVPing?

    In Jotform’s form builder, you can set up an autoresponder email that invitees will receive once they have submitted their RSVP. Go to Settings at the top of the page and select Emails on the left. From there, you can create an autoresponder email and customize it to your liking. You can also set up reminder emails to encourage invitees to respond after a certain period of time has elapsed.