How to Set up the Unique Field Limit Using Multiple Fields

May 9, 2023

The Unique Field allows you to prevent users from submitting the same information twice in the form. However, this feature only allows you to select a single field. To select multiple fields, you must utilize the existing features in the Form Builder, such as Short Text and Conditional Logic, to combine the fields.

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Adding Short Text and Setting Up Conditional Logic

As explained above, the Short Text and Conditional Logic are your primary tools for setting up the limit in the form. You must also ensure that the fields you wish to combine already exist in the form.

  1. In the Form Builder, click the Add Form Element button.
  2. Look for the Short Text element, and click it to add. You can label it as Unique Code, as shown in the below image.
    Note: You can hide this field in the form. Visit How to Hide Form Elements for more details.
Jotform Form Builder showing the Add Form Element button and the Short Text element under Basic Elements
  1. Now, go to the Settings tab.
  2. Click Conditions on the left.
  3. Choose the Update / Calculate Field option from the list.
Conditions section of the Jotform Form Builder showing the option to Update or Calculate a field
  1. Set up your condition to copy the fields you wish to combine with the Short Text Entry element. See below for example:
Update or Calculate Field condition in Jotform Form Builder showing the If and Do rules for combining the entries from multiple fields

You can select any field in the If rule. However, we recommend selecting a required field to trigger the condition when it’s filled.

Setting up the Unique Field

Now that you have the condition in the form, it’s time to set up the Unique Field limit.

  1. Still, in the Form Builder, go to the Settings tab.
  2. Click the Show More Options button.
Settings tab of the Jotform Form Builder showing the Show More Options button
  1. Please scroll down to find the Unique Field limit, and select the Short Text Entry from it. That’s it!
Unique Field option of the Jotform Form Builder settings

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