How to Upgrade My Account

January 15, 2024

Jotform offers a few different paid subscription plans. If you need to upgrade to increase your submissions, storage, or payment limits, this guide will help you decide which plan to choose and how to pay for it.

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Jotform’s subscriptions are recurring, meaning they will automatically renew and charge you on the same date as the original purchase unless you cancel.

Free Accounts

If you have a Free account, determine the number of regular submissions, payment submissions, file storage, and forms you’ll need. These are the major limits on each plan. If you need more than 100 submissions but not more than 1,000, the Bronze plan will be enough for you. However, if you need more than 25 forms, the Silver plan is a better option.

To learn more about usage and limits, please visit the following guide: Understanding Your Account Usage and Limits.

To upgrade from the Free plan, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Pricing link in the navigation menu.
Jotform website highlighting the Pricing option from the navigation menu

Did you know?

You can also upgrade your subscription from your account’s Upgrade/Billing page.

  1. On the Pricing page, you can see the features for each plan. Choose and click the plan you want.
Jotform Pricing Page displaying the available plans, Starter, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Enterprise
  1. Below is an example of the Bronze plan. In the popup, select an option from the following:
    • Payment Schedule — You can choose Monthly or Yearly.
    • Payment Method — You can pay by Credit/Debit Card or PayPal.
  2. Check the I agree to the Terms of Service checkbox.
  3. Click the Continue button.
Jotform Bronze plan with the options to choose a payment schedule and payment methods

If you choose to pay by Credit/Debit Card, clicking the Continue button will open the Credit Card Information window. Enter your card details and click the Complete button to make the payment.

Jotform credit card information window showing the name, card number, expiry, CVV, country and zip code

The PayPal option will redirect you to the PayPal payment page. You have to complete the payment on that page. Otherwise, the payment will fail.

To upgrade a paid account, you need to choose the new plan, and our payment processor will handle the payment automatically, including the proration of your payments.

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