A year in review: Top Jotform Enterprise product announcements of 2022

A year in review: Top Jotform Enterprise product announcements of 2022

December is an excellent time to get caught up and plan for the new year. If you missed the opportunity to learn about new Jotform Enterprise products and features this year, here’s your chance. 

Below are the best Jotform Enterprise product launches and enhancements of 2022, designed to improve your experience so you can focus on producing your best work. 

New SOC 2 Type II-compliant solution

Perhaps our biggest security announcement was about the availability of a new SOC 2 Type II-compliant solution. This achievement required an independent, technical audit to verify that Jotform Enterprise has established and follows strict information security policies and procedures encompassing the five Trust Services Principles defined by the Assurance Services Executive Committee of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). Talk to your account manager or contact Enterprise Sales to learn more or request a copy of the SOC 2 Type II report.

Jotform Teams: Shared online workspaces for your forms and data

Jotform Teams gives Enterprise customers a whole new way to share resources, monitor team activity, and collaborate. Create a shared workspace, complete with team avatar and background image, to house team resources. Assign team members using these four new role-based access controls to maximize collaboration without sacrificing security:

  • Team admin (can manage team members; move, delete, view, and edit forms; and manage form submission data) 
  • Data collaborator (can view forms and view and edit data) 
  • Data viewer (can view data, but does not have editing privileges)
  • Creator (can view and edit forms but not view data)

Team members collectively own the resources shared in the team workspace and can monitor team activities for enhanced communication. What’s more, team admins can quickly and easily manage roles and form assignments to accommodate vacations and staffing changes, reducing the burden on organizational-level admins. 

Teams can be made visible to the entire organization to invite cross-departmental collaboration and transparency or marked as private to protect company, employee, or client confidentiality.

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Jotform Sign offers an end-to-end automated e-signature solution

Save money on e-signature subscription services and automate your approvals with Jotform Sign. As an Enterprise customer, you can take advantage of unlimited signatures. Jotform Sign works seamlessly with Jotform Forms, Tables, Approvals, and Inbox, so you can quickly and easily assign, monitor, and report on documents throughout the process.

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Getting started is easy: Choose from more than 600 Jotform Sign templates, convert existing PDF documents, or enable Jotform Sign for existing forms. Read our blog post for a step-by-step guide and ideas for making the most of Jotform Sign.  

Meeting the need for mobile-first solutions: Jotform Apps 

We now live in a mobile-first world where remote and hybrid business models are often the norm. Jotform Apps and Jotform Enterprise Mobile were launched to ensure you can stay connected to your colleagues, customers, and communities wherever life takes you.

Jotform Apps for Enterprise gives you the freedom to create your own custom apps for quick solutions to serve a range of business needs. 

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Jotform Apps are ideal for organizing and sharing resources. You can use Jotform Apps to 

  • Share resources for educational events and webinars 
  • Store frequently used forms such as onboarding documents
  • Host surveys, contests, and more to keep audiences engaged   

Check out our blog for more ways to power your enterprise business with Jotform Apps.  

Jotform Enterprise Mobile native apps level up your mobile game

Jotform Enterprise Mobile is a fully white-labeled native app that offers direct access to the Jotform Enterprise platform and more robust publishing options. With a custom-built app from Jotform Enterprise Mobile, you have four different publishing options to suit your needs: 

  • Publicly viewable and searchable on both the Apple App Store and Google Play store
  • Unlisted and not searchable on both the Apple App Store and Google Play store
  • Publishable via Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager programs for apps specific to organizations or schools
  • Publishable via an over-the-air (OTA) server for private, in-house use (This option requires an Apple Enterprise Developer account.)
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Jotform Enterprise Mobile is ideal for collecting data offline, staying connected to remote teams, and managing remote locations. And, if you’re surrounded by thousands of your industry peers at a conference or trade show and competition for Wi-Fi is at a premium, you can use Jotform Enterprise Mobile in kiosk mode to gather leads offline that will sync when you reconnect to the internet.   

In addition to all the standard features and functionality of the Jotform Enterprise platform, you can track app use and activity with a dedicated Jotform Enterprise Mobile dashboard.

When you’re ready to put the power of the platform in the palm of your hand, contact your account manager or the Enterprise Sales team. You can request a custom build for your organization or have an app designed as a white-labled service for your clients.

With so many mobile products, it can be hard to pick which one is right for your situation. Check out our blog post to compare Jotform Apps, Jotform Mobile Forms, and Jotform Enterprise Mobile.

Auto-Delete Submissions feature

A best practice of data managers is maintaining a clean database. One easy way to do that is by removing data that is outdated or no longer needed. The Auto-Delete Submissions feature enables organizations to establish a set time for form submission data to automatically delete using a toggle switch in Form Settings. 

To prevent accidental loss of data, submissions can be restored from the trash for up to 30 days, and submissions imported to Tables or manually added are not automatically deleted.

If you have regulatory requirements to purge all submission data after a certain window of time, you can also delete form submission data at the account level

Cleaner, faster form fills with Prefill 2.0 and SSO

Another way to maintain a clean database is by preventing erroneous entries in the first place. Using existing data to prefill forms prevents errors like misspellings, keeps data consistent, and streamlines the experience for form fillers, increasing your conversion rate. Using Prefill 2.0 for Enterprise, you can pre-populate forms using integrations with Airtable, monday.com, Pipedrive, or use Prefill 2.0 with SSO

Additional Prefill platform functionality makes it possible to 

    • Send prefilled forms directly from Jotform Tables or approval workflows
    • Use Prefill and a Fill Again button on thank-you pages to streamline frequently used forms
    • Make it easier to complete a series of forms with the Fill Another Form button on thank- you pages
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We hope this roundup spurs ideas on how you can use Jotform Enterprise to achieve your goals in the new year. If you have questions or ideas for additional features, contact your account manager or the support team through our new Enterprise Ticketing System, one more 2022 feature added to enhance your Jotform experience.

Lainie is the Enterprise marketing manager and team lead at Jotform. With a career spanning 20+ years, she’s written for global management consulting firms, entrepreneurs, educational organizations, and nonprofits. A published author, her work has appeared in industry trades and educational guidebooks. Outside of work, Lainie enjoys live music, gardening, travel, volunteering, and the outdoors. You can reach Lainie through her contact form.

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