How Jones Soda connects with customers using Jotform

From its Seattle headquarters, Jones Soda pumps out soda flavors you never even considered possible. Green Apple? Blue Bubblegum? Pumpkin Pie? Sure, why not? If it’s sweet and delicious in real life, chances are the soda version has legs.

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But it’s not just the flavors that made Jones Soda famous. Since it launched in 1995, the quirky soda brand made a name for itself with creative labels that feature different customer-submitted photos and bottle caps with individual customer-submitted messages.

Grab a six-pack of Jones Soda, and you’re going to get six bottles that feature completely different labels and messages under the cap.

And therein lies the difference with Jones. They’re a customer-focused company, so much so that their flavor ideas, packaging, and messaging come directly from their consumers.

Cassie Smith knows this well. She’s worked at Jones Soda for five years and manages projects ranging from improving the brand’s online presence to streamlining the company’s internal operations.

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Jones Soda employees regularly taste and evaluate new soda flavors in the office.

Even though she’s technically adept, she preferred not to spend time building a tool to improve Jones Soda’s information collection process, so she found something that could do it for her: JotForm.

“Jotform is a problem solver.”

Cassie Smith, Jones Soda

Fielding customer inquiries

Most customer questions funnel directly through an embedded website contact form, powered by JotForm.

A well-designed contact form can help you understand the exact reason a customer reaches out. It also enables you to automatically reroute the inquiry to the correct staff member.

Jones Soda’s contact form lets customers choose the purpose for their message from a dropdown menu. So whether they’re looking for customer service help, answers about custom labels and photos, sponsorships, or even a job, they fill out the same form.

Model release form

Every single photo of a real person that ends up on a Jones Soda label requires a model release form.

The company used to handle this the old-fashioned way: The model would print a form, hand sign it, and mail it back to Jones Soda. But this was cumbersome and took a lot of time. Sometimes the forms wouldn’t get mailed in at all.

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Jones Soda is famous for their customer-submitted labels photos.

That’s where Jotform comes in.

Jones Soda has completely digitized their model release form using Jotform. And with Jotform PDF Editor, they’re still able to get a copy of a newly signed form whenever someone fills it out online.

Bottle cap message submissions

All those clever customer-submitted messages under the bottle caps? Those were sent through a Jotform form. It’s a simple, one-question form. But as a pro tip, people can submit more than one message for a better chance to be featured.


Fun brands with loyal customers have contests. Jones Soda contest and giveaway winners can collect a variety of cool prizes, from hip Jones Soda swag to brand-new smartphones. Jotform helps power their contests by giving them a reliable way to create and publish entry forms for all their fans.

Jones Soda made soda cool again. And their bottles have been a staple at convenience stores for two decades.

Do you have a favorite Jones Soda story? Let us know in the comments! 
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Chad is a former VP of Marketing and Communications at Jotform. He’s also a frequent contributor to various tech and business publications, and an absolute wizard with a Vitamix. He holds a master’s degree in communication and resides with his wife and cats in Oakland, California.

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