Jotform App: Store the contact information data so the user won't have to fill it out again for new orders

  • brazilcomex
    Perguntado em 5 de outubro de 2023 às 11:33

    Bom dia!

    Estou pronto para colocar o app Swissflex Brasil no ar para meus clientes, e estou fazendo alguns testes.

    Quando vou concluir a compra, toda vez preciso preencher os dados do formulário todo... não há uma forma de esses dados ficarem armazenados para que o cliente recorrente não tenha que preencher tudo de novo? Com certeza vou ter reclamações sobre isso.

    Grato, no aguardo, Nilton

  • Gilbert Enterprise Support
    Respondido em 5 de outubro de 2023 às 14:04

    Hi Nilton,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, our Portuguese Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in Portuguese, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.

    Now, let me help you with your question. Unfortunately, the Store feature of the Jotform app currently doesn't have an autofill feature so the user would need to manually enter the same data on the Contact Information page.

    However, each web browser has a default autocomplete feature that suggests finishing what is being typed by comparing the current text with previously entered text. For example, on my screenshot below, the same data I entered on the field is shown as a suggestion so I can just click on it instead of manually entering it again. This will save time especially if the user is just entering the same details.

    Jotform App: Store the contact information data so the user wont have to fill it out again for new orders Image 1 Screenshot 70

    Or, another option would be to create a form instead where the contact information, order, and payment will be collected. Then, you can add that form to your app so the users will fill out that form instead.

    Jotform App: Store the contact information data so the user wont have to fill it out again for new orders Image 2 Screenshot 81

    You can edit the form and add a Fill Again action button on its Thank You page. If you're interested in this method, here's how you can set it up:

    1. In Form Builder, go to the Settings tab on the orange navigation bar at the top

    2. Go to Thank You Page on the left pane

    3. Click Action Buttons on the toolbar

    4. Then, select Fill Again on the window that will pop out

    Jotform App: Store the contact information data so the user wont have to fill it out again for new orders Image 3 Screenshot 92

    5. You can then select the form to be filled out again. Then, you can set the Prefill

    Jotform App: Store the contact information data so the user wont have to fill it out again for new orders Image 4 Screenshot 103

    6. On the Prefill window, enable the Prefill Form Fields option. Then, you can select which fields to include in the prefill or you can just select All Fields if you want to prefill all the form fields. Click Save once you're done.

    Jotform App: Store the contact information data so the user wont have to fill it out again for new orders Image 5 Screenshot 114

    And that's it! When the user clicks the Fill Again button in the Thank You page, the previous data he entered will be used for prefill so he won't need to manually enter them again. Here's how it would work in the form:

    Jotform App: Store the contact information data so the user wont have to fill it out again for new orders Image 6 Screenshot 125

    Give it a try and let us know if you have any other questions.

  • brazilcomex
    Respondido em 5 de outubro de 2023 às 15:51

    Hello Gilbert! Thanks for getting back with great options!

    English is fine, actually it´s my second language.

    I went for the second option you gave me. I created a form, did some customizations already, but still some doubts remais.

    How do I substitue the Contact Information Page? There´s a config button but no delete button for that...

    I noticed that on the address fields there are options for US States and Canadian Provinces... can I creat a list of the brazilian states as well?

    The country field keeps showing, eventhoug I disabled it...

    I guess this is it for now...

    Tks again, Nilton

  • Christian Enterprise Support
    Respondido em 5 de outubro de 2023 às 21:01

    Hi Nilton,

    Thanks for getting back to us. If you're looking for a way to completely remove the Contact Information Page, I'm afraid there is currently no way to do so. However, you can customize the fields that you'd like to display and delete the ones you don't want to display. Let me walk you through it:

    • While on the Store Builder, locate the Contact Information Page and click the cog icon on its side to access its properties. 
    • From there, you can view the complete list of default and additional fields. 
    • Typically, the Name and Email fields are preset and cannot be deleted. However, when you hover your mouse over the other fields, a trash icon will appear; by clicking it, you can remove the fields.

    Jotform App: Store the contact information data so the user wont have to fill it out again for new orders Image 1 Screenshot 30

    Regarding the Address field, are you referring to the Address field on the form you created or the Contact Information Page? Please keep in mind that the Contact Information Page allows you to customize the sub-labels and hide the fields that you want to show. When I tested your app, the Country field no longer appeared, as shown below:

    Jotform App: Store the contact information data so the user wont have to fill it out again for new orders Image 2 Screenshot 41

    If that’s not exactly what you’re looking for, can you explain a bit more so I can help you better? 

    Let us know if there’s anything else we can help you with.

  • brazilcomex
    Respondido em 8 de outubro de 2023 às 20:45


    Okay, let me try to be as specific as can to get the help I need from you guys! So far I am very satisfied about the tips I got.

    We sell frames for prescription frames to optical stores. This product line is very customizable in terms of colors to each part of the frame, as well as about accessories, like the nose pad and ear pieces.

    The idea is to have our customers - the optical stores - send us the orders for the frames, giving all the details about how it was customized. That I guess is looking good enough on the app. Just need to add some more imagens to complete the task.

    The part I am struggling with is about making it possible for a store to send different orders, at different moments, without having to fill out the contact information again... it´s considered a hassle to do so. And I don´t want to take the upside of the app out of focus because of that.

    So taking this into consideration, please give the best, and most practical, easy going option from the customer´s perspective.

    Tks, best, Nilton

  • brazilcomex
    Respondido em 8 de outubro de 2023 às 20:46

    In time... if I add the custom fields for what I need in the contact information page... do they still have to fill it out again and again? Isn´t there a way for it all to be kept permantly?


  • Jeric Jotform Support
    Respondido em 8 de outubro de 2023 às 23:01

    Hi brazilcomex,

    Thanks for reaching back to us and providing us more information on what you want to achieve. Please give me some time to look for a solution or a workaround. When I have an update, I'll circle back to you.

  • brazilcomex
    Respondido em 9 de outubro de 2023 às 00:11


    Any news?


  • Jeric Jotform Support
    Respondido em 9 de outubro de 2023 às 22:33

    Hi brazilcomex,

    Thanks for your patience. For the Store App, the only workaround for this is to invite a customer on your app. However, this will require them to create a Jotform account. Also, it'll only pre-populate fields such us name and email which are information that are present in their Jotform Account. Take a a look at the example below. As you can see, the name and email fields were auto-populated:

    Jotform App: Store the contact information data so the user wont have to fill it out again for new orders Image 1 Screenshot 30
    Like what I have mentioned this is only limited to invited customers. If this will work for you, here's how you can invite customers.

    1. On the App Builder, click on Publish
    2. Select QuickShare
    3. Enter their email on the invite email field and click on send

    Jotform App: Store the contact information data so the user wont have to fill it out again for new orders Image 2 Screenshot 41
    Give it a try and let us know if you need more help.

  • brazilcomex
    Respondido em 11 de outubro de 2023 às 22:49

    Hello good evening!

    I guess the issue with the personal information fields is settled with the instructions I got, and will proceed as it is now.

    I have a different question now...

    I have created 2 new pages and added color guides for the products, one on each page. There will be more like these though.

    On the home page I have several product lists divided into categories or collections if you will.

    Since the page is now too long to scroll down, I thought I´d move each of these product lists into a different page...I tried dragging but it didn´t work...

    So, is there a way to move a product list into a different page? Or copy... whatever ... LOL

    Thanks, NIlton

    PS it´s close to midnight now, and I am going to take some time off until tomorrow... it would be just great to have a solution for this in the morning!

  • Jeric Jotform Support
    Respondido em 11 de outubro de 2023 às 23:02

    Hi Nilton,

    Thanks for reaching back to us. I moved your new concern to a different thread. Please my response here shortly.

  • Mal_reaburn
    Respondido em 22 de outubro de 2023 às 20:48

    How can I limit the suburb or post codes in there? I want to limit the order to the few suburb only so people outside of those suburb cant put down an order? how can I use some validation in this form?
  • Raymond Jotform Support
    Respondido em 22 de outubro de 2023 às 22:54

    Hi Mal_reaburn,

    I moved your other question to a new thread and helped you with that here.

    Let us know if you need any other help.