General permission form for trips and/or activities involving travel of less than 35km from the school or $35 or less in costs
Throughout the year opportunities are offered to students to participate in trips or activities at school. Sometimes these costs are covered by the school but in most cases there is a small charge to your account. Trips away from the Whitby Collegiate site require parental permission for travel as part of our procedures for Education outside the Classroom.
By signing this letter you give permission for all school trips and activities which involve less than 35km of travel and/or result in a charge of $35 or less to your account. We will ask you to sign a new form at the start of each school year. A separate permission letter will still be required for all trips and activities which fall outside the 35km and $35 limit. Examples of activities and trips which would be covered by this letter are:
- Y7 visit to Pataka
- Y10 trip to He Tohu
- Artsplash
- Big Sing
- Y9 RE Synagogue
- Athletics Day
- NCEA PE activities
- Swimming Sports
- Y7 Carter Observatory
- Local Geography field trips
- Y9 Social Studies -Parliament
Parents will still be advised of trips and activities. The names of the adults (staff and parent helpers) who will accompany each trip will also be listed.
Travel will usually be by school van or charter bus, but may occasionally include the use of a staff member's private vehicle. In this instance, students will always travel with a fully licensed staff member in a warranted and registered vehicle.