Both our son/daughter and I/we will observe School rules and regulations as laid down from time to time.
Attendance at Religious Education classes and Church Services
I/We understand that Whitby Collegiate is a faith-based school; however, children of any or no religious affiliation may be enrolled as students at the School. I/We understand that our son/daughter shall be taught Christian beliefs and practices through Religious Education and in other ways while at the School and they shall be required to participate in Christian worship.
a) I/We undertake to pay all fees and charges as set by the Board.
b) A Late Payment Penalty is payable on all fees and disbursements not paid by their due date. I/We undertake that if any school fees or other amounts are overdue then I/we will be liable for a penalty charge of 10%. If any school fees or other amounts are overdue then I/we will be liable for payment of all collection costs including legal costs on a solicitor client basis.
c) I/We understand that if fees remain unpaid for one term this could result in a request to remove our son/daughter from Whitby Collegiate School.
d) Application and Enrolment Fees of $450 (non refundable) are payable on acceptance of a place.
e) The Board reserve the right to vary fees at its discretion.
Students Leaving
a) If the student is to leave the School, or a class or subject for which additional fees are payable, I/we will give one term’s notice thereof in writing to the Proprietors representative.
b) If the required notice is duly given fees will be payable up to the date of leaving.
c) If the required notice is not duly given, or is not received at all, I/we will pay fees up to the date notice in writing is actually
received and up to the date the student leaves, whichever occurs last, and in addition the fees currently payable for a full term.
d) Notice is not required of the student’s intention is to leave School at the end of Year 13.
Note: Where there is uncertainty because the student’s plans are dependent on examination results or other specific factors, provisional notice must be given, which can later be confirmed or withdrawn as necessary.
Cancellation and Expulsion
a) The Proprietor has the right at any time in their sole discretion to cancel the acceptance or to require the removal of the student from the School.
b) If the student is removed from the School by the Proprietor I/we will pay the full fees for the term in which he/she is removed, plus interest and collection costs if payment is late, but shall not be liable to pay further fees.
Use of and updating of information or student information
I/We agree to notify the School of any changes in the information contained in this enrolment agreement as soon as is reasonably practicable.
I/We acknowledge that the purpose of the collection of this information is to provide for the education and general advancement of the student.
I/We agree that this information may be released to parties outside the School at the discretion of the Principal, where it relates to the education, health, welfare or safety of the student.