E-imzalar otomasyonla buluşuyor

Jotform İmza'yı kullanarak dakikalar içinde belgeler oluşturun, paylaşın ve e-imzalayın. Herhangi bir cihazda imzalanabilen belgelerle iş akışınızı otomatikleştirin.

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Tek tıkla mevcut PDF'lerinizi e-imza belgelerine dönüştürün.

İmzaları toplayın

İstediğiniz yer ve zamanda imzaları güvenli olarak toplayın — dağınık evrak işlerinin zorluğunu çekmeden.

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Jotform İmza'nın otomasyon özellikleriyle elle yapılan işlerden kurtulun.

Elektronik İmzaları

E-imza çözümlerinin hayatınızı nasıl değiştirebileceğini keşfedin

Elektronik imza nedir?

Elektronik imza ne kadar güvenlidir?

The legality of electronic signatures

Elektronik imza nedir?

Elektronik imzaya giriş

An electronic signature, or e-signature, is the digital equivalent of a handwritten signature that indicates the acceptance of an agreement, contract, or other document. Electronic signature technology allows users to approve or certify documents without having to sign a physical piece of paper.

E-signatures are as legally binding as any other type of signature in many countries. They also allow you to avoid the hassle of passing paper documents from one person to the next. As a modern approach to the signing process, e-signatures are now used in all kinds of documents worldwide.

Elektronik imza türleri

There are several ways to add signatures to digital documents, from scanning and uploading an image of a handwritten signature to using specific e-signature software. With services like Jotform Sign, users can securely sign documents with just one click.

There are four basic types of electronic signatures: click-to-sign, simple e-signatures (SESs), advanced e-signatures (AdESs), and qualified e-signatures (QESs). Each has its own advantages and use cases, so it’s important to know which situations they work best for.

  • Click-to-sign
    Click-to-sign electronic signatures can be completed with just the click of a button. Typically, a user will create a signature that is stored for future use by a software platform, or the platform will generate a signature for them. Then, as the user moves through a document, they can click a button to insert their legally binding signature where needed.
  • Simple electronic signatures
    Simple e-signatures (SESs) are the most widely used because they don’t involve any type of advanced identity verification and can be as basic as a name or initials typed in a document. They can be used on all kinds of documents, from internal employment agreements to attendance sheets to permission slips.
  • Advanced electronic signatures
    Advanced e-signatures (AdESs), on the other hand, implement a higher level of identity verification, as they are usually transmitted through e-signature software that can provide an audit trail. They are certified by a certificate authority (CA), an entity that issues and stores unique digital certificates to confirm a person’s identity.
  • Qualified electronic signatures
    A qualified electronic signature (QES) is the most secure form of electronic signature and meets the requirements outlined in the European Union’s electronic Identification, Authentication and Trust Services (eIDAS) regulation. This type of e-signature verifies the signer’s identity through a digital certificate. As an additional step, the signer’s identity is confirmed face-to-face — either online (via video) or in person.

The evolution of electronic signatures

While the general public has only become familiar with electronic signatures in the past 20 years, the technology has been developing for much longer than that. The concept of electronic signatures was first introduced in 1976 by American cryptologists Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman in a research paper titled “New Directions in Cryptography,” which presented forward-thinking ideas like public-key cryptography and digital signatures. Then, in 1977, Ronald Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Len Adleman invented a cryptosystem called the RSA algorithm that was the first technology to transmit a signature through an electronic message.

The first widely marketed software to offer digital signatures broke onto the scene in the late 1980s, followed by the first instance of embedding digital signatures into PDFs in 1999. In 2000, U.S. President Bill Clinton passed the Electronic Signature in Global and National Commerce (E-sign) Act, which made digital signatures legally binding.

In 2008, ISO 32000 made the PDF a standard electronic document format and included guidance on how digital signatures in PDFs can be used to verify a signer’s identity. Since then, PDFs have been the primary tool for signing documents online, and e-signature technology has taken hold around the globe.

Elektronik imza ne kadar güvenlidir?

Electronic signatures are extremely secure — in fact, they’re generally more secure than pen-and-paper signatures. Wet signatures can be forged, and paper documents can be lost, damaged, or destroyed over time. Electronic signature software, on the other hand, is supported by advanced security practices such as encryption, digital certificates, and cryptographic algorithms that record audit trails and prevent signature tampering. Unlike paper documents, files with electronic signatures can be archived and kept safely for as long as needed without the risk of being damaged or lost.

The legality of electronic signatures

A number of countries have enacted specific legislation to recognize the validity of e-signatures.

Electronic Identification, Authentication, and Trust Services (eIDAS) — eIDAS is the EU regulation that replaced the e-signature directive of 1999/93/EC beginning on June 30, 2016. It outlines specific rules for electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the European market.

E-SIGN Act. The U.S. Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce (E-SIGN) Act is a United States federal law that establishes guidelines and regulations for using electronic records and signatures in interstate and foreign commerce.

Uniform Electronic Transactions Act. The Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA) is a U.S. law that gives electronic contracts and electronic signatures the same legal recognition as paper agreements and wet signatures. It has been adopted in 49 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Learn more about e-signature laws in your country here.

Bir kez oluştur.Birçok kez kullan.

Create and customize your ideal document once and send it as many times as you need. Just add your desired fields, assign signer roles, and collect signatures with ease. Save time with our flexible build-and-send document structure.

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Etkili otomasyon ile e-imza sürecinizi iyileştirin

E-imza sürecinizi baştan sona otomatikleştirin. Belgenizi ve imza sahiplerini bir onay akışına ekleyin — sonra etkili online depolama entegrasyonlarımızla imzalı belgeleri bulut depolama hesabınıza anında yükleyin.

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Belge paylaşımını otomatikleştirin

Send your document to signers via email, share it by copying and pasting a link, or embed it in your website so users can sign it anytime.

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Take your organization to the next level

Smiling women in front of company logos
Beyaz Etiketleme

Jotform Kurumsal ile formlarınızı şirketinizin markasına uygun hale getirin. Kendi ürününüzü sıfırdan oluşturmak zorunda kalmadan, maliyetin çok altında bir şirket içi geliştirici ile kişiselleştirilmiş bir görünüme sahip olmanın tadını çıkarın!

Man portre in front of large app mockup
Custom Mobile App

Nereden çalışırsanız çalışın, çevrim dışı bile olsanız Jotform Kurumsal'ın tüm gücünden yararlanın. Akıllı telefonunuz veya tabletiniz için beyaz etiketli bir uygulama ile önemli verileri toplayın, anlık bildirimler alın ve özel Jotform Kurumsal özelliklerine erişin.

Man in front of a secure cloud service chart
Özel Sunucu

Host your online forms and form data on a dedicated cloud server with Jotform Enterprise. Great for businesses and organizations of all sizes. Keep your information secure while collecting form submissions with any device.

Smiling man in front of HIPAA badge
Highest Security

Jotform Enterprise provides the highest industry standards, including SOC 2 Type II compliance, to help protect your information. All form data is stored on dedicated servers, encrypted by 256-bit SSL, and protected with PCI DSS Level I compliance and optional HIPAA compliance. You also have the option to store data within the EU.

Woman in front of large admin console view
Kurumsal Yönetici Paneli

Jotform Kurumsal'ın özelleştirilebilir izin ayarları ile formlarınıza ve form yanıtlarınıza kimin erişebileceğini kontrol edin. Verilerinizin tam kontrolünü sağlarken, ekip üyelerinizi birlikte çalışmak için Kullanıcı ya da Yönetici olarak ekleyin.

Smiling woman in front of chat bubles
Özel Destek

Move to the head of the line and get fast customer support. Our Enterprise Support Team is available during standard business hours to answer any questions you may have.

Smiling woman in front of people avatars and invite teammate badge
Birden Fazla Kullanıcı

Verilerinizin kontrolünü sağlarken bir ekip olarak çalışın. Jotform Kurumsal ile, veri toplamak, bildirimler göndermek ve form yanıtlarını birlikte takip etmek üzere diğer bölümlere, çalışma arkadaşlarına veya müşterilere form erişimini sağlamak için kullanıcı hesapları oluşturabilirsiniz.

Woman in front of signup option badges and signup ui elements
Tek Oturum Açma (SSO)

Jotform, Kurumsal müşterilerle ve onların Tek Oturum Açma (SSO) sağlayıcılarıyla birlikte çalışır, böylece çalışanlar tek bir oturum açma kimlik bilgi setini kullanarak formlarına erişebilir ve yönetebilir. Jotform Kurumsal, SAML 2.0'ı destekler ve Microsoft, Google, Okta, Duo, OneLogin ve daha fazlası gibi sağlayıcıların SSO çözümleri ile entegre olur.


Hazır şablonlarla imzaları hızlıca alın

Tüm Şablonları Keşfedin

Jotform İmza Gelen Kutusu ile daha fazla iş halledin

Stay on top of your document’s status with Jotform Sign Inbox. You can get instant notifications about signer actions, send reminder emails, download signed documents, and much more from one central location.

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Belge verilerinizi inceleyin ve görselleştirin

Organize and manage data compiled from your documents in the way that works best for you with Jotform Tables. You can also convert data into professional-looking reports to uncover new business insights and make informed decisions with Jotform Report Builder.

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Dakikalar İçinde Belge Gönderin ve İmzalayın


I have been a long-time Jotform user and continue to be impressed with how the products continue to evolve. I use every aspect of the Jotform platform and it's revolutionized the way I do business. I will continue to be a Jotform evangelist!

Nasser Jones

E-imzalar otomasyonla buluşuyor