Entegrasyonlar / Zoom / Register a participant for a meeting with Jotform submissions

Register a participant for a meeting with form submissions

Register participants for meetings with Jotform’s Zoom integration. Automatically add participants to your meetings when they submit a form response. Save time by automating registrations with this free integration.

Register a participant for a meeting with form submissions

Register participants for meetings with Jotform's Zoom integration

Automatically register participants for a Zoom meeting when they submit a form response.

Jotform Icon

Bunlar olduğunda...

Yeni Form Yanıtı

Bir kullanıcı yeni bir form yanıtı gönderir


Bunu yap!

Register Participant

A new participant will be added to your Zoom meeting

Zoom ile entegre edin

Jotform + Zoom

Watch this quick tutorial video to learn how to integrate your online forms with Zoom.

Zoom - Video

Learn more about Jotform + Zoom Integration

Formlar Zoom ile Nasıl Entegre Edilir

Read more about Jotform’s Zoom integration before you set it up for yourself.

Bu entegrasyonun diğer kullanım senaryolarına göz atın.

Jotform Icon Zoom

Register a participant for a webinar with Jotform submissions

Jotform Icon Zoom

Create Zoom meetings with Jotform submissions
