Keep your pet grooming salon organized with this free online Pet Grooming Salon Inspection Checklist! Using Jotform Tables, you’ll be able to record visitor information and schedule appointments all while taking the necessary hygienic and social distancing measures beforehand. To get started, share the attached Grooming Salon Inspection Form for visitors to enter pet details, schedule appointment dates and times, request specific services and view a checklist of measures that need to be taken before their visit. Each online form submission will automatically appear in your secure Pet Grooming Salon Inspection Checklist, which you can access from any device.
Get the exact look you need by customizing your Pet Grooming Salon Inspection Checklist without any coding. Just drag and drop to add more rows and columns, include additional tabs, create new filters and labels, and switch to the calendar or card view for a bird’s eye view of your data. You’ll be able to download your checklist as a PDF, CSV, or Excel file, or print it for salon records. With a custom online Pet Grooming Salon Inspection Checklist, you’ll keep your pet salon up to industry standards while ensuring that your staff and pet visitors stay safe!