Summer Camp Forms & PDF Templates
Collect summer camp registrations for your variety of summer camp programs! Jotform lets you create summer camp forms and pdf templates in an easy way!
Summer Camps Form Templates
Make every moment of summer camp memorable, even the paperwork. With Jotform, you can design professional online forms that’ll get future campers excited for summer before it starts. Whatever form you need — registration forms, camp counselor applications, evaluations — we’ve got you covered, rain or shine, with our selection of ready-made templates. After you’ve modified a template to suit your camp’s specific needs, you’ll be able to collect camper and guardian information, emergency contact numbers, medical history, dietary preferences, and even payments online. Planning the perfect summer has never been easier.
Summer Camp Detailed Registration Form
A Summer Camp Detailed Registration Form is a form template designed to streamline the process of collecting participant details for summer camps
Football Registration Form
A football registration form is a document that is used by sports teams at all levels to register new or returning players. This Football Registration Form makes it easy to organize your team — and register your players online!
Summer Camp Enrollment Form
Accept and organize summer camp with ease using this summer camp enrollment form template. This summer camp enrollment form does not involve any payment and will only ask for information related to the child that is being enrolled and the parent or guardian information for emergency contact details. Get the medical record of the child as your file through this enrollment form for the summer camp template which would also help you address any situations that may arise while in the midst of an activity. Use enrollment forms for summer camp to accept enrollment and require payments to be made through your office.
Parental Consent And Release Form
Get permission from parents and guardians to let their children participate in your program. Free parental consent form. Easy to customize and embed. No coding required.
Cheer Camp Registration Form
Use this outstanding Cheer Camp Registration Form Template to attract more participants to your summer camp activities. You just need to share the link of your form to your potential campers so that they can fill it up online using a computer or a mobile device.
Camper Satisfaction Survey Form
Have you already organized a summer camp and wonder about campers' satisfaction? Don't you have survey questions for campers in mind and searching for summer camp evaluation form templates? Here is a summer camp satisfaction survey that you can use for measuring your campers' satisfaction and learning about their experience in the simplest way. Do not hesitate to add your own survey question and even edit the existing ones for free!
Camp Registration Form
A camp registration form is used by summer camps and winter camps to collect information from parents or guardians about their child’s attendance
Camp Gear Order Form
Sell adventure gear through your store's website with a custom Camp Gear Order Form. Collect card payments instantly. Sync orders to 130+ apps — for free!
Day Camp Registration Form
The Day Camp Registration Form is an essential tool for camp organizers, schools, community organizations, and any group hosting a day camp.
Summer School Application Form
Collect applications with a free online Summer School Application Form. Customize and embed in your school's website. Accept tuition fees via Square or PayPal!
Summer Camp Waiver Form
A summer camp waiver is a document that parents sign to allow their child to attend a summer camp. With our Summer Camp Activity Form Template, you’ll be roasting marshmallows with your campers in no time!
Family Camp Registration Form
The Camp Registration Form allows gathering personal information, medical history, emergency contact information of the camper and their previous camping activity coming with a text area field for further questions/comments if any.
Camp Evaluation Form
A Camp Evaluation Form is a form template designed to gather feedback and assess the overall quality and appeal of camp programs.
Summer Camp Medical Form
Using this Summer Camp Medical Form, you can gather important medical history details such as health conditions, vaccinations, allergies, and medications. You’ll also be able to collect phone numbers and medical insurance information to use in the event of a medical emergency.
Camp Fun Quest Registration Form
The Camp Fun Quest Registration Form allows gathering camper personal and contact details, parent/guardian and emergency contact information, health and medical history, and payment preferences.
Swim Camp Registration Form
Make a splash with this online registration form for your swim camp. Seamlessly collect swimmer information and registration fees.
Sample Summer Camp Registration Form
An online form to keep all submissions for a summer camp in one place and gather necessary information through a single form that provides camper's personal and health details, cabin buddies, guardian's contact details and consent
Summer School Registration Form
A summer school registration form is used by teachers to collect details from students about their summer school experiences.
Camp Liability Waiver Form
A camp liability waiver form is a document that parents sign to cover the camp’s liability in case something happens to their child during summer camp.
Summer Camp Permission Form
This summer camp permission slip template is a permission or consent form for students or person who are going to camping or outing with classmates, friends and etc. This parental consent form for youth camp is usually given to parents or guardians to be signed by them. This camp consent form template contains parents' contact information, emergency contact information.
Boy Scout Shirts Order Form
A Scout Shirt Order Form is used by Boy Scout troops to order T-shirts.
Kids Summer Camp Registration Form
This kids camp registration form enables the parents to register their child and enter their information as well as sign the authorization or consent. Camp registration form template asks the child's personal information, parents/guardian information, contact information, child's history or background, medical information and etc.
Summer Camp Consent Form
A Summer Camp Consent Form is a vital tool for summer camp organizers and staff to gather parental consent for various camp activities, ensuring the safety and well-being of camp attendees
Youth Soccer Camp Registration Form
This soccer camp registration form template will help you collect the athlete's information, parents/guardian information, as well as agree to the consent and acknowledgment. Start accepting registrations now and enjoy!
Summer Camps PDF Templates
Instead of sorting hundreds of enrollment forms and permission slips by hand, save your collected form data as PDFs that are accessible on any device at any time, whether it’s during a medical emergency or Capture the Flag. Simply choose a PDF template that matches your preexisting online form or customize one with Jotform’s PDF Editor. Your unique template will instantly transform important camper information into secure PDFs you can easily download, print, or share with parents and staff. When you’re using Jotform, everyone’s a happy camper.
Glamping Business Plan Template
Grab the attention of the investors by using this Glamping Business Plan Template. This business plan is simple yet effective because it contains all the necessary details when building a successful business.
Summer Camp Invoice Template
Summer Camp Invoice PDF Template is perfect for collecting enrollment fees for hundreds of campers. After collecting your payments online, you can automatically save all transactions as PDFs using this sample.
Summer Camp Schedule Template
Jotform’s Summer Camp Schedule PDF Template instantly converts all camper schedules into easily accessible PDFs, so you’ll never lose track of which activities each camper is participating in.
Camper Bill of Sale Template
Create a bill of sale for a camper. Converts to PDF. Easy to customize and share. Works great on any smartphone, tablet, or desktop. No coding.
Summer Camp Certificate Template
Recognize the camper for participating in the summer camp activities by using this Summer Camp Certificate Template. You can easily edit and customize this template through our PDF Editor.
Camping Trip Itinerary Template
Create your Camping Itinerary straight out from Jotform with the use of this Camping Trip Itinerary Template! Stop figuring out how to start your camping itinerary document. Use this Camping Trip Itinerary PDF Template instead!
Basketball Camp Registration Template
When it comes to data collection, this Basketball Camp Registration PDF Template helps you organize incoming registrations by automatically converting all submissions into personalized PDFs.
Camper Information
Camper Information PDF Template will instantly transform camper information into secure PDFs that you and your camp staff can pull up at any time, whether during an activity or an emergency.
Sports Camp Registration
Any camp coordinator can use this Sports Camp Registration PDF Template. With Jotform, you’ll be able to convert online registration forms into PDFs that camp counselors and coaching staff can easily access and share.
Summer Camp Registration
Jotform’s Summer Camp Registration PDF Template is essential for camp coordinators looking for a better way to manage camper information. You can customize this sample to create the right enrollment form for future campers.
Camper Health History
To protect campers’ health and safety, this Camper Health History PDF Template collects information about existing medical conditions, allergies, dietary restrictions, immunizations, medication instructions, and emergency contact numbers.
Summer Camp Staff Evaluation Template
This Camp Counselor Evaluation PDF Template will convert all evaluation submissions into PDFs you can easily download, print, and share with the counselor being evaluated.
Summer Camp Letter to Parents Template
Create a summer camp letter to parents in seconds. Works great on any smartphone, tablet, or desktop. E-sign in seconds. Converts to a PDF document.
Campground Reservation Record Template
Campground Reservation Record Template
Soccer Camp Registration
Jotform's Soccer Camp Registration PDF Template is specifically designed for soccer camp coordinators, this customizable template converts submitted registration forms into secure PDFs.
Football Camp Contract Template
Make football camp registrations easy. Drag and drop to customize. Works on any device — desktop, tablet, and mobile friendly. Converts easily to PDF. No coding.
Summer Camp Emergency Contact
No matter how prepared your camp staff is, there may be an accident that requires you to call a camper’s emergency contacts. You can use this professionally designed Emergency Contact PDF Template to collect the necessary information.
General Summer Camp Packing List Template
Use our General Packing List Template for Campers to download or print PDF packing lists. Easily monitor the summer camp supplies that your campers are bringing.
Summer Camp Physical Form
Protect the campers by identifying their current health condition and medical needs by using this Summer Camp Physical Form. This PDF template is simple, easy to use and accessible to everyone.
Music Camp Registration
Jotform’s Music Camp Registration PDF Template is an essential instrument for any camp coordinator providing summer programs to aspiring musicians. You can easily modify the sample by rearranging form elements.
Christian Camp Registration
Intended for camp coordinators with the mission of bringing youth closer to their church, this Christian Camp Registration PDF Template is the perfect tool for managing data. With registration data automatically converted into PDFs camp counselors can easily access, you’ll be able to devote more time to scheduling team-building and worship activities. This customizable template includes form fields for campers to provide personal and guardian information, church affiliation, medical history, payment details, and authorized release. Jotform’s PDF Editor gives you the option to rearrange the template layout and attach your camp’s logo with our intuitive drag-and-drop editor. Once finalized, your personalized template will save campers’ registration forms as protected PDFs you can actually have faith in.
Summer Camp Teen Volunteer Application Template
Volunteering in a summer camp is very rewarding because you can help students in enhancing their talents or teaching new skills. In addition to that, you'll get real-life work experience that you can add to your resume. As a camp organizer, you can recruit volunteers efficiently by using this amazing Summer Camp Teen Volunteer Application PDF Template.This brilliant Summer Camp Teen Volunteer Application Template contains personal information of the applicant. It also shows the training experience, certifications, volunteer experience, educational attainment, skills, self-evaluation, health status, medical conditions, references, and acknowledgment. This template uses the Input Table and Configurable List widget in order to present the data in table format.
Camper Confidential Information Template
It's really hard and tiresome work to do provide on camping organization and handle and track the paperwork at the same time. With Camper Confidential Information Template, all the information would be gathered at the same platform such as personal information, parental information for emergency contact and food allergies or dietary restrictions information. Besides, you'd have information about what campers would like to do, their hobbies, etc. Thus, you can analyze your campers needs more easily. Jotform is providing Camper Confidential Information Template, free of charge. The template can be printed or downloaded to the computer. The template can also be customized for suitable needs. It can be extended with extra functionalities or reduced for reporting.
Horse Camp Registration Template
Horse Camp Registration Sample contains appropriate fields to gather camper information, including health record and emergency contact info if needed.