Креирај веб обрасце бесплатно

Сакупљај потенцијалне клијенте, обрађуј поруџбине, региструј нове клијенте, примај донације, бележи незгоде и још много тога. Креирај веб обрасце бесплатно и угради их у свој сајт у неколико секунди користећи наш превуци и пусти креатор образаца!


10,000+ Web Form Templates

Не желиш да креираш образац од почетка? Само одабери један од готових шаблона веб образаца и прилагоди га за свој посао - потребно је само пар минута!

Образац за Наручивање Мајица

Template 91183781044962

Client Questionnaire

Template 50213904670953

Market Research Survey for Agencies

Template 62913764929974


Тренутно креирај веб обрасце

Једноставно примај уплате

Без обзира да ли сакупљаш донације, продајеш производе онлајн, или наплаћујеш трошкове резервације, буди плаћен са нашим 30+ интеграцијама за наплату. Jotform никада не наплаћује додатне трошкове, тако да треба да платиш само стандардну тарифу одабране платформе.

Олакшана прилагођавања

Са нашим интуитивним креатором образаца, једноставно је креирати онлајн веб обрасце који изгледају баш онако како ти желиш. Само превуци и пусти поља обрасца, визуалне елементе, виџете и интеграције директно у свој образац - није потребно кодирање.

Напредни као и твој посао

Make your web form fit right into your workflow. Power up your form with advanced features that let you collect the data you need, from files to e-signatures. Send submissions to your favorite apps instantly with our 100+ apps and integrations, or turn them into PDFs automatically.


Шта наши корисници кажу за Jotform

Корисим Jotform 5 година. У почетку за креирање основних веб образаца (нпр. за контакт). Како се Jotform ширио, добијао сам могућност да креирам софистициране обрасце за клијенте и за административне сврхе. Jotform иновације и изванредна техничка подршка пружају ми могућност да развијем ефикаснија и ефективнија окружења за наше супервизоре, дозвољавајући им да се фокусирају на оно шта је битно - подучавању и надзору наших студената.

Kay Kazinski, Manager, Information Technology and Website Services

How to Create Web Forms With Jotform

How to Create Web Forms With Jotform

Frequently Asked Questions

What are web forms?

Web forms are digital versions of paper forms that allow users to enter information electronically. These forms are accessible on both mobile devices and desktop computers, offering a faster, more flexible way to collect information than traditional paper forms.

What are the different types of web forms?

There are thousands of different types of web forms, from order forms to signup forms and everything in between.

Online form building software allows you to build your own form from scratch to ensure it fits your exact needs. These tools also often provide templates for different types of web forms. Templates save you time and effort by allowing you to skip the design step.

Regardless of which method you choose, there are a number of tools available to help you build the form you need.

How can I create a web form?

You can create web forms using a variety of online form builders, like Jotform. Look for a form builder that offers the best features and value for your unique requirements.

Whichever option you choose, check to see what it offers beyond form building. For example, on top of its drag-and-drop form builder, Jotform gives users the ability to automate approvals, collect e-signatures and online payments, and manage form data.

How can I ensure that my web forms are accessible to all users?

Accessibility is an important element to consider when designing your web forms. Accessibility features help ensure that all users can navigate your form and actively participate in the digital world, regardless of any disabilities they might have. By making your forms more accessible, you not only improve the user experience for people with disabilities, but you can also get more form submissions — from a greater variety of perspectives.

Here are some ways to improve accessibility in your web forms:

  • Use contrasting colors for background and text to make text easy to read.
  • Include form field labels for respondents using screen readers.
  • Design your form to be keyboard-accessible.
  • Do not set time limits for completing your forms.
  • Group related questions together to create a logical flow of information.

With these small changes, you’ll make your form more accessible for everyone. This shows a commitment to complying with accessibility regulations and to meeting customers’ needs.

How can I optimize my web forms for a better user experience?

Getting your users to start filling out a form is much easier than getting them to finish it. A poor user experience may lead to significantly fewer form submissions. Making your form easy to use, engaging, and dynamic will help prevent user drop-off and increase conversion.

Here are some tips to help you enhance your user experience:

  • Make your form short. Shorter forms are less daunting and less likely to lose users’ attention.
  • Organize relevant questions together into separate sections. Having all your questions grouped together on one page makes filling out your form seem like a chore. Break your form up into sections to make it more manageable.
  • Add a progress bar. Adding a progress bar will reassure your respondents that there’s an end in sight and show them how much they’ve filled out already, so they know how much longer your form will take.
  • Keep fields simple. Your field labels and questions should get right to the point. Don’t overcomplicate the phrasing.
  • Use autofill features to automatically add basic information. Autofill tools pull saved data to fill out basic fields, helping respondents get right to the most engaging questions.
  • Provide in-field confirmation. In-field confirmation tools allow users to see if a field contains an error as they fill it out, rather than when they try to submit their response. That way, they won’t get frustrated by having to start the form over due to errors and are more likely to complete the submission.

Making your forms approachable and easy to fill out makes it more likely that your users will complete them accurately. More responses provide your organization with better, more reliable information — and more leads.

What are the common use cases of web forms?

Web forms are useful for a variety of situations. Any organization or individual looking to collect information from their target audience will use a web form in some capacity.

Here are some of the most common use cases:

  • Контакт обрасце
  • Обрасце за поручивање
  • Shipping forms
  • Surveys or questionnaires
  • Event signup or registration forms

While these are some of the most popular use cases, there’s no limit to the possible uses for web forms. With the right form builder on your side, you’ll have the power to create a form to fit your every need.