Продај Водиче Онлајн

Start selling tutorials online and reach customers all over the world with Jotform Store Builder. Create a no-code store app with your own branding and add product lists, collect payments, manage orders, and gather customer feedback from one convenient location.


Free Online Tutorial Store Templates

Not sure where to start? Jotform offers free ready-made templates to get you started right away. Choose a template and make it your own in seconds with our drag-and-drop app builder. No coding knowledge required.

Шаблон Апликације за Е-трговину

Template ecommerce-app-template

Апликација за Каталог Производа

Template product-catalog-app


Create an Online Tutorial Store

Build a custom online store without any coding and start selling your tutorials right away. Drag and drop to add form elements, install widgets and integrations, choose fonts and color schemes, upload your branding, and much more.

Sell Digital Tutorials

Showcase your video tutorials by including video previews, descriptions, and customer reviews. When a customer makes a purchase, a link to download your tutorial will be included in the autoresponder email.

Примај Онлајн Уплате

Sell your tutorials online and get paid with Jotform’s 25+ payment gateways — including PayPal, Square, Stripe, and Google Pay. Jotform never charges any additional transaction fees, so you’ll only be charged your chosen payment processor’s rate.

Управљај Поруџбинама Купаца

Manage your online orders with Jotform Tables — our powerful spreadsheet-database software. With the click of a button, you can keep track of customer information, create sales reports, and review orders with an easy-to-understand spreadsheet.

Компатабилно са свим уређајима

Jotform Store Builder apps are mobile-ready and work on any smartphone, tablet, or desktop computer. Android and iOS users can add your online store app to their device’s home screen.

Превуци и Пусти да Прилагодиш

Jotform Store Builder doesn’t require any coding. Simply drag and drop to fully customize the look and feel of your online store.

Моћни елементи онлајн продавнице

Create multiple product pages, add a contact form, collect customer feedback, and install powerful widgets and integrations in just a few clicks.

Креирај прилагођене URL-ове

Give your online tutorial store a memorable URL that includes both the name of your business and the name of your app.

Прикупљај Уплате Било Када и Било Где

Customers can pay for tutorials directly through your app with Jotform’s 25+ payment integrations — including popular services like PayPal, Square, Stripe, and Google Pay.

Learn More About Selling Tutorials Online

All your questions about selling tutorials online are answered. Check out our FAQs for answers to common questions, or contact our support team for further information.

How can I sell tutorials online with Jotform Store Builder?

Building an online store couldn’t be easier. With Jotform Store Builder, you can create your own app in seconds with our drag-and-drop no-code builder. Add products and descriptions, take orders, collect payments, and manage customer information in one convenient location. Share your online tutorial store app by posting a link in your social media bios, or seamlessly embed it in your website with a copy-paste embed code. Customers can access and download your custom app from any smartphone, tablet, or desktop computer.

Is selling tutorials online profitable?

Yes! With your own online tutorial store, you can reach a much wider audience. Add products, integrate with our payment gateways, and share your app with the world. Customers can place orders and pay anytime, anywhere.

What types of tutorials can I sell?

Jotform Store Builder gives you the freedom to sell anything you like — so the possibilities are endless. Just drag and drop to add new products and categories and then watch the sales roll in.

Some types of tutorials you can sell include:

  • Video tutorials
  • Art tutorials
  • Programming tutorials
  • Design tutorials
  • И још!