Resignation Letter PDF Templates
About Resignation Letter PDF Templates
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Прилагоди било који од шаблона писма о оставци у наставку без икаквог кодирања. Уз наш PDF Уређивач који је једноставан за коришћење, само мораш да превучеш и пустиш да би додао елементе као што су текст, слике, па чак и свој бренд. Такође можеш да прилагодиш приложени образац тако да укључује сва поља обрасца која желиш, као што су наша поља за е-потпис или поља за отпремање фајлова. Када завршиш, објави образац и гледајте како се пријаве претварају у PDF-ове за преузимање и дељење. Са Jotform-овим PDF Шаблонима Писма о Оставци, запослени могу лакше да креирају папирни траг и започну свој процес одласка.
Често Постављана Питања
1) What is a resignation letter template?
Thinking about moving on from your current job? You’ll likely need to write a letter of resignation.
A resignation letter indicates an employee’s intention to leave a company. It’s sent to the employee’s manager or the company’s human resources (HR) department to keep on file as an official record of the employee’s intent to leave the organization.
Whether you’re resigning due to personal reasons, a move, or a new career opportunity, writing a professional resignation letter can help you leave your job on good terms with your employer.
2) Key elements of a resignation letter template
A standard resignation letter template should include
- The date of the letter: This is important for record-keeping purposes.
- A greeting: Start your letter with a neutral and formal greeting like “Hello” or “Dear.”
- Your boss’s name: Address the letter to your manager or supervisor.
- Your company’s name and your job title: Clearly state you’ll be leaving your role at the company.
- Your departure date: Indicate what your last day of employment will be.
- A statement of gratitude: Include a brief expression of gratitude for the opportunities and experience, if you’d like.
- Transition plan: If your departure date isn’t immediate, indicate your willingness to help with the transition of the role.
- Closing and signature: Leave a professional closing statement and signature.
3) What not to include in a resignation letter
It’s important to write a professional and respectful resignation letter. Using unprofessional or disrespectful language directed at management or coworkers could have a negative impact on your professional reputation. Cultivating positive ties with former employers can help your career down the road.
In your resignation letter, try to avoid:
- Criticism of coworkers or managers
- Unprofessional language
- Unrelated details about a new position
- Demands or suggestions of management or leadership
An exit interview with HR or your manager can be a good time to discuss any negative experiences you’ve had or provide feedback about the company and your reasons for leaving. If you have serious HR concerns, a separate email or meeting is likely a better place to air those concerns than your resignation letter.
4) Who can use resignation letter templates?
Resignation letter templates can be used by anyone resigning from a position. That includes
- Both part-time and full-time employees
- Managers
- Interns
- Executives
5) How can I create a resignation letter with Jotform?
Creating a resignation letter with Jotform is easy.
- Choose a template. Start by selecting a resignation letter template from our extensive template library. Once you’ve found your perfect template, click Use Template and you’ll be redirected to our document builder. You can also build a resignation letter from scratch by using Jotform’s Form Builder and adding the appropriate fields.
- Customize your resignation letter. Once in our document builder, make any changes that you need to your resignation letter. Customize the copy, add or remove fields, change fonts and colors, add e-signature sections, and more.
- Download or share your document. Happy with your resignation letter? Great! Send it to your employers with a link or an email, download it and send it as an attachment, or save it to your device and print out a physical copy.
6) Benefits of using resignation letter templates
Using resignation letter templates offers several advantages:
- They’re convenient. Don’t have time to build a resignation letter from scratch? No problem. Use a ready-made template and input your information for a quick and easy experience. Save time that would otherwise be spent formatting and structuring the letter from scratch.
- They’re customizable. Modify your resignation letter to fit your needs with Jotform’s drag-and-drop builder. Make changes to the content and design of your document easily. Modify colors, fonts, themes, and more.
- They’re thorough. Templates already have all the key elements of a resignation letter. You just need to fill out fields with your specific information. This can help ensure you don’t forget anything important.
7) Different types of resignation letters
Resignation letters can vary based on the specific circumstances of an employee’s departure. Check out some of our resignation letter templates to see which one works best for your needs.
Use this simple resignation letter template to quickly write and send your resignation letter. It includes a field where you can indicate your reason for leaving.
Professional Resignation Letter
This simple and professional template includes all the essential resignation letter fields as well as an expression of gratitude and willingness to help transition the role.
Resignation Confirmation Letter
A resignation confirmation letter is used by employers who wish to send their employees confirmation of their resignation. Customize this template to align with your company branding, and send it whenever you receive a resignation letter.
Use this template to provide your employer with your two-week notice, indicating that you’ll be leaving your job in two weeks. Include your contact information, your last day of work, and any other pertinent information.
This template is designed for employers rather than employees. It asks for information about a departing employee’s reasons for leaving. Use this template if your company wants to gather feedback from departing employees.
Use this teacher resignation template if you’re an education professional looking to leave your job. Add details about your school, your last day of work, and your contact information.
Board Resignation Letter Template
Use this board resignation letter template to resign from a board.
Ови шаблони су само предлози образаца. Уколико користиш образац као уговор, или сакупљаш личне информације, или их користиш за неке друге правне сврхе, препоручујемо ти да извршиш додатно истраживање како би се постарао да пратиш све законе. Такође препоручујемо консултације са адвокатом пре слања било ког обрасца.