How can I create a question based on an answer in another field?

  • Evers_Christiano
    Perguntado em 27 de novembro de 2023 às 13:26

    I need to creat a form where one of the questions is something like:

    How many children?

    and the user should choose between 0 and 5.

    The based on the answer I want to create anothe question where the user should answer:

    Name and Age of the children, but I need one field for name and age per children, so..if in the first question I have 2 children, I need 2 more fields or questions

    Can you help me please?

  • Alejandro Jotform Support
    Respondido em 27 de novembro de 2023 às 18:07

    Hi Evers_Christiano,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. You can show or hide multiple fields in your forms using Conditional Logic. You just need to set a field where the user can select the number of children they can add, then add the fields to type in each child's details and configure the conditions to show or hide them. Let me show you how:

    1. On Form Builder, add a field where the user can select the number of children.

    2. Add the same number of options as the fields for children you have in the form.

    How can I create a question based on an answer in another field? Image 1 Screenshot 50

    3. Now go to the Settings tab and select Conditions on the left.

    4. Create a condition to show the field of the number of children selection when the include children field is equal to yes.

    How can I create a question based on an answer in another field? Image 2 Screenshot 61

    5. Then create conditions to show the pages for the children's information, depending on the number of children selected.

    How can I create a question based on an answer in another field? Image 3 Screenshot 72

    Here you can see the result of the fields being shown based on the number selected:

    How can I create a question based on an answer in another field? Image 4 Screenshot 83

    I'm also leaving here a link to the demo form I have used for testing, so you can clone it and check out the configurations directly.

    Give it a try and let us know if there is anything else you need help with.