estou com problemas para receber as documentações

  • inovarrh
    Perguntado em 8 de novembro de 2023 às 17:00

    You've run out of upload quota!

    This form has exceeded its allocated quota.

    fica dando essa mensagem, sendo que tem espaço

  • Lorenz Jotform Support
    Respondido em 8 de novembro de 2023 às 23:03

    Hi inovarrh,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I'd like to let you know that I am using a translation tool to provide assistance, but if you prefer to receive help in your native language, we can forward this ticket to our Portuguese Team. However, keep in mind that it could take longer to receive a response from them. 

    With that said, I checked your account and you haven't reached nor exceeded your account's upload space yet. I assume you've already deleted some uploads to free up space. Nonetheless, I've cleared your form cache as a precaution. Just in case you're still getting the error message in your form.

    Let us know if there's anything else we can help you with.