Upload file: Error with the file extension and unable to submit the form

  • Vonex
    Perguntado em 17 de outubro de 2023 às 10:15


    Bom dia

    Estou com um problema em meus formulários, tenho um campo para anexar arquivos, porem estes não podem estar no formato Excel (*.xlsx), e se eu selecionar um arquivo desta extensão, ele obviamente me retorna um erro, conforme o print abaixo, o que esta correto.

    Upload file: Error with the file extension and unable to submit the form Image 1 Screenshot 40

    O Problema é que não consigo excluir o arquivo, e por não conseguir excluir este arquivo não consigo seguir com a submissão do formulário, vejam

    Upload file: Error with the file extension and unable to submit the form Image 2 Screenshot 51

    Vejam que adicionei o arquivo com o formato correto, mas por não conseguir excluir este arquivo, não é possível seguir com preenchimento do formulário

    Upload file: Error with the file extension and unable to submit the form Image 3 Screenshot 62

    Isto esta ocorrendo em pelo menos dois dos meus formulários.



    os dois possuem o mesmo campo


  • Marlon_T Jotform Support
    Respondido em 17 de outubro de 2023 às 12:42

    Hi Vonex,

    Thanks for reaching out to us for help. Unfortunately, our Portuguese Support agents are currently busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to assist you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd prefer to receive support in Portuguese, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.

    I cloned and tested your form to see if I could replicate the issue but everything works the way it should. When I look into your file upload field file types settings, I can't see the .XLSX extension. Can you add it and test the form once again?

    Upload file: Error with the file extension and unable to submit the form Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Perhaps there was a short-term issue that resolved itself. Could you please give it another attempt and let us know how it goes? If the issue persists, we will investigate it further to see if we can figure out what is going on. I cleared your form caches to see if that would help.

    Reach out again if you have any other questions.

  • Vonex
    Respondido em 18 de outubro de 2023 às 10:23


    Thank you very much, it is working properly now