PDF: I wanted to add column based on PIT column

  • MCGjotform
    Perguntado em 16 de outubro de 2023 às 05:38

    Bom dia,

    Gostaria de ter a possibilidade de criar um campo/formula, onde adicionasse um hyperlink gerado automaticamente a partir de uma das colunas de uma matriz dinâmica...

    Podem ajudar-me a criar esta situação


  • Lorenz Jotform Support
    Respondido em 16 de outubro de 2023 às 07:53

    Hi Jorge,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I'm currently using a translation tool to provide assistance, but if you prefer to receive help with your native language, I can forward this ticket to the Portuguese team. However, it could take longer to receive a response from them.

    With that said, it is possible to generate a hyperlink using the condition or Form Calculation widget, but I'm not exactly sure about the exact flow of how it should be created. Also, I'm not sure what dynamic matrix you are referring to, can you take a screenshot so we can get a better idea? We have a guide about that here.

    Once we hear back from you, we'll be able to help you with this.

  • MCGjotform
    Respondido em 16 de outubro de 2023 às 12:46

    Hi Lorenz,

    The dynamic matrix I'm refering to, is like in the picture below.

    PDF: I wanted to add column based on PIT column Image 1 Screenshot 20

    After submition, on the PDF (for example) I would like to have another column with the calculated link based on the column PIT (first column on the picture).

    I already tried to make some calculations based on the this matrix content, but the field is not available on the Advanced Formula function... I even tried to directly insert field name, but I get an #Error on the calculation.

  • Camila Jotform Support
    Respondido em 16 de outubro de 2023 às 14:59

    Hi Jorge,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Let me look into it and get back to you with a solution.

    We appreciate your patience and understanding while looking into it.