Mobile Jotform App: Cannot download form to use for offline mode

  • alexandreapa4
    Perguntado em 5 de outubro de 2023 às 23:23

    I've created two forms on my main account and shared them with another account responsible for fieldwork. The problem is that I'm unable to download the offline form on either account, and the work will be carried out in an offline region, making offline mode essential. When I attempt to download it, the message "An error occurred while downloading the form. Please try again later" appears. I'm using Android mobile devices with version 2.8.2(427). The names of these forms are 'Cadastro com Operador - MDM' and 'Leitor de QR Code'. How can I resolve this issue? Thank you

  • Girish Jotform Support
    Respondido em 6 de outubro de 2023 às 04:28

    Hi Alexandre,

    Thanks for contacting Jotform Support. If you have assigned the forms to another account, then you will need to enable offline forms via the settings page on your mobile app by logging into your account.

    I've tested this on some demo forms in my account, but could not replicate the issue. Could you reinstall the app, log in and check if enabling offline forms again shows an error? If yes, please attach a screenshot of the error on this ticket. Here is how you can post screenshots on this ticket.

    Please check and let us know.

  • alexandreapa4
    Respondido em 6 de outubro de 2023 às 11:18

    Hello Girish, thanks for the reply

    The problem is that when I access the mobile app intended for fieldwork and navigate to Settings > Offline Forms, I am unable to download the form. Upon attempting this action, a loading circle appears, and after some time, an error message is displayed: "An error occurred while downloading the form. Please try again later."

    Mobile Jotform App: Cannot download form to use for offline mode Image 1 Screenshot 30--Mobile Jotform App: Cannot download form to use for offline mode Image 2 Screenshot 41I have seen many online questions with the same problem (I'll put the links bellow for referance) and I could not find a definitve answer.

    Also, sometimes the download of the form is completed without any errors but after a while, if the mobile is still connected to the internet it will automatically undo the download and then (when I'm offline again) I cannot fill in the form. Can you tell me if there is a way to always mantain the download so it I wont' have the risk of losing it? Or if the solution for this would be to always mantain the mobile offline if the download is successfull?


  • Karlo Jotform Support
    Respondido em 6 de outubro de 2023 às 13:33

    Hi Alexandre,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I’ll need a bit of time to look into this. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

    Thanks for your patience and understanding, we appreciate it.

  • Karlo Jotform Support
    Respondido em 6 de outubro de 2023 às 17:41

    Hi Alexandre,

    Thanks for patiently waiting. Did you try updating your Jotform Mobile App to the latest version? You could also uninstall and reinstall it. The developer team fixed the issue in v2.8.3 on iOS and Android. Can you give it a try again and see how it goes?

    Here is a screenshot when I updated my Jotform Mobile App.

    Mobile Jotform App: Cannot download form to use for offline mode Image 1 Screenshot 20

    After we hear back from you, we’ll have a better idea of what’s going on and how to help.

  • alexandreapa4
    Respondido em 7 de outubro de 2023 às 13:19

    Hello Karlo, thanks a lot for the reply

    I'll try it on the mobiles that will go to the fieldwork and get back to you soon.