Track Source of Form Views with Google Analytics

  • juliallmeida
    Perguntado em 24 de setembro de 2023 às 14:56


    Eu habilitei um widget para rastrear a pagina original de acesso

    É possível saber as páginas de origem das visualizações de formulário?É possível rastrear com Google analytics?

  • Mafe_M Jotform Support
    Respondido em 24 de setembro de 2023 às 15:29

    Hi juliallmeida,

    Thank you for reaching out to Jotform Support. There are multiple ways to track user acquisition. You can use the  Get Form Page URL, it will indicate which page the form is filled out to be included in the submission data. Another way is the Get Referrer widget is also a great tool that can achieve similar results. The other method is to Prepopulate Fields to Your Jotform via URL Parameters. This is useful if you want to track which section of your website the form is filled out from.

    You can also use Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager. When the form is submitted, the form will be redirected to and then redirected to the Thank you page which is your custom URL with Google Analytics code. So, the referral would be the

    Give it a try and let us know how it goes.