Quais são os Ips Webhook

  • fagnerunimedvs
    Perguntado em 14 de setembro de 2023 às 15:02

    Boa tarde,

    Estou efetuando testes no Jotform, principalmente na parte de webhooks e preciso saber quais são os nomes/ips de onde partem as requests do Jotform para nossa url, para que nosso setor de Segurança faça a liberação no firewall.

    Desde já agradeço.

    At.te. Fagner

  • Miray Doyduk Enterprise Operations Specialist
    Respondido em 15 de setembro de 2023 às 03:43

    Hi Fagner,

    Thanks for reaching out to us for help. Our Portuguese Support is currently unavailable at the moment, so I'll reply to you in English. Please do let us know if you'd like a local agent to assist you instead, but keep in mind that it could take a bit longer for them to respond.

    As for your query, Jotform is hosted at multiple data centers, and unfortunately, we don't have static IPs for our submission servers. Since the IPs are dynamic and they will change in the time, we can't provide such an IP list.

    Thanks for your understanding, and let us know if you have more questions.