Por favor, preciso de ajudaurgente

  • PedroBrito
    Perguntado em 1 de agosto de 2023 às 14:36

    Olá amigo, criei um formulario copiado de outro e esqueci de retirar a senha para os arquivos PDF e agora estou com vários arquivos de PDF com senha e não lembro a senha para descriptografar, poderia ter acesso para mim?

  • Bojan Support Team Lead
    Respondido em 1 de agosto de 2023 às 16:23

    Hi PedroBrito,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, our Portuguese Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in Portuguese, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.

    Now, let me help you with your question. I have checked your forms, and I noticed you have PDF Password in one of your email notifications. If you would like to remove the password from these PDF documents, simply follow these steps:

    1. Open you form in the Form Builder
    2. Select Emails from the left menu
    3. Hover over your Notification email and click the Pen icon

    Por favor, preciso de ajudaurgente Image 1 Screenshot 30

    Once you open your Notification settings, select the Advanced tab and Disable PDF Password:

    Por favor, preciso de ajudaurgente Image 2 Screenshot 41

    Unfortunately, it's not possible to reveal your current password. If you wish, you can download your submissions as PDFs again. They will not have a password this time.

    Let us know if there’s anything else we can help you with.