Is is possible to create submissions from Jotform API?

  • Fluentia
    Perguntado em 26 de julho de 2023 às 11:13

    Hey guys!

    We would like to integrate the test into our platform. As it is an English proficiency test, the participant's level will be different depending on the correctness of the scores (multiple choice). We would like to integrate via API/end point into our platform. What would be the guidelines for the developer to consult?

    and would it be possible for us to already be able to divide the levels based on the result of the score? For example, the candidate scored 20 out of 60, he is at a specific level. Were we able to get this information from your platform?


  • Sweta Jotform Support
    Respondido em 26 de julho de 2023 às 23:05

    Hi Fluentia, 

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. We don't provide custom form creation or designing services, but you're welcome to work with a third party who may be able to help you. See our Jotform Solutions Partner Directory for a list of consultants who have asked to be included in our directory. 

    You can get in touch with the right Solutions Partner for you by sorting them by location, type of service, industry, language support, or partner tier. Please fill out the contact form of your preferred Jotform partner so that they can make the necessary preparations for your inquiry.

    Please note, however, that these parties operate independently from Jotform, so we assume no responsibility or liability for their work or their actions. 

    It is possible to post submissions using Jotform API. Check out the following API methods, to see how to submit form entries through Jotform API:
    POST /form/{id}/submissions

    Submit data to this form using the API. You should get a list of question IDs from form/{id}/questions and send the submission data with qid.

     curl -X POST -d "submission[1]=answer of Question 1" -d "submission[2_first]=First Name" -d "submission[2_last]=Last Name" "{formID}/submissions?apiKey={apiKey}"

    1643813461 61fa9a550f302  Screenshot 21 Screenshot 10

    Yes, it is possible to apply conditions to show questions based on the score obtained. We have a guide here to show and hide questions based on conditions.

    Give it a try and let us know how it goes.