Solicitação de Reembolso Plano Bronze

  • chastinetfabio
    Perguntado em 14 de julho de 2023 às 21:42

    Boa noite.

    No última dia 11 realizei o pagamento para upgrade de minha conta para o plano Bronze no valor de USD 39,99. Contudo, após o pagamento constatei que comprei erroneamente, pois achei que o valor era na moeda Real.

    Portanto, solicito reembolso/estorno do valor integral conforme política de cancelamento e legislação em vigor para compras digitais.

    Fábio Chastinet

  • Eleph_M
    Respondido em 15 de julho de 2023 às 00:11

    Hello Fábio,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform support. I'd like to let you know that I am using a translation tool to provide assistance, but if you would prefer to get assistance in blabla language, we can forward you ticket to our blabla team. However, please note that it could take longer to receive a response.

    With that being said, let me assist you with your inquiry. I checked your subscription history and you're eligible for a full refund. As requested, I have downgraded your account to Starter (Free) plan and refunded you the amount. Please allow up to 7 working days for the refund to reflect. If it doesn't get through within 7 working days, please let us know.

    Please let us know if you need more help.