Not receiving notification email

  • escolalf
    Perguntado em 26 de junho de 2023 às 15:03


    Good afternoon!

    I would like to report an issue we are having with receiving emails sent through the Jotform system.

    Upon receiving a contract sent by a customer, we noticed that the system is not sending the email as programmed in our contract. We had configured so that the contract information was forwarded to our e-mails.

    Additionally, we have noticed that the system is experiencing an extended load time when submitting the contract after completion.

    Would it be possible to count on your help to resolve this issue?

    We are waiting for your answer.

    Yours sincerely,


  • Sheena Jotform Support
    Respondido em 26 de junho de 2023 às 22:40

    Hello Mamede,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in Portuguese, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.

    Now, let me help you with your question. Are you referring to this form? I checked the email logs and I can see that the emails are sending out:

    [2023-06-26 17:57:20] SENT to from via JotSMTP 
    [2023-06-26 14:14:19]
    SENT to from via JotSMTP
    [2023-06-26 14:06:45]
    SENT to from via JotSMTP
    [2023-06-26 13:44:35]
    SENT to from via JotSMTP
    [2023-06-26 12:45:54]
    SENT to from via JotSMTP
    [2023-06-23 14:52:25]
    SENT to from via JotSMTP

    Most of the time, if we remove the notification email and then add it back, that solves the problem. Let me help you do that

    • In Form Builder, in the orange navigation bar at the top of the page, click on Settings.
    • In the menu on the left side of the page, click on Emails.
    • On the right side of the Notification field, click on the Trash Can icon, and delete the existing Notification Email.

    Not receiving notification email Image 1 Screenshot 50

    Now that we've removed the old Notification Email, we'll just add a new one. Let's do it: 

    • While you're still under the Emails tab on the left side of the page in Form Builder, click on Add Email.

    Not receiving notification email Image 2 Screenshot 61

    • Next, select Notification Email.

    Not receiving notification email Image 3 Screenshot 72

    • Click on the Recipients tab and enter your email address in the Recipient Email field. Then, click on Save.

    Not receiving notification email Image 4 Screenshot 83

    Now, you'll get a Notification Email every time a user fills out your form. As for your other question, I've moved that to a new thread. You can check that out here.

    Give it a try and let us know if you need any help.

  • escolalf
    Respondido em 27 de junho de 2023 às 13:55

    Boa tarde, Sheena.

    Realizei alguns testes e constatei que os envios estão chegando antes mesmo de eu seguir suas orientações. Tudo está funcionando perfeitamente.

    Agradeço imensamente pela sua ajuda nesse assunto.