Need help in creating a car financing form

  • eversonteles1998
    Perguntado em 26 de junho de 2023 às 05:50

    o meu aplicativo está em financiamento de carros por assinatura por mês

  • Angeli Jotform Support
    Respondido em 26 de junho de 2023 às 08:11

    Hi eversonteles1998,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I’d like to let you know that I’m using a translation tool to provide assistance, but if you would prefer to get assistance in the Portuguese language, we can forward your ticket to our Portuguese team. But, please note that it could take longer to receive a response.

    Now, I'll help you with your question. Can you please tell us more about the car subscription? Have you filled out and submitted a form created on Jotform? If so, please note that Jotform is an online form builder. You need to get in touch with the form owner to inquire about your submissions. But, if the translation is incorrect, can you explain a bit more so we can help you with it?

    Let us know if there’s anything else we can help you with.

  • eversonteles1998
    Respondido em 26 de junho de 2023 às 11:05
    Em seg, 26 de jun de 2023 09:11, Jotform <noreply> escreveu:
  • Angeli Jotform Support
    Respondido em 26 de junho de 2023 às 11:10

    Hi eversonteles1998,

    Thanks for getting back to us. Unfortunately, we didn't receive your reply. Can you please resend it to us?

    After we hear back from you, we’ll have a better idea of what’s going on and how to help.

  • eversonteles1998
    Respondido em 26 de junho de 2023 às 11:15
    Em seg, 26 de jun de 2023 12:10, Jotform <noreply> escreveu:
  • Angeli Jotform Support
    Respondido em 26 de junho de 2023 às 11:44

    Hi eversonteles1998,

    Thanks for getting back to us. Unfortunately, your reply is still incomplete. Take a look at the screenshot below: 

    Need help in creating a car financing form Image 1 Screenshot 20

    You can open this thread URL and send us your reply or you can reply to the email you receive from the forum thread.

    Give it a try and let us know if you need any help.

  • eversonteles1998
    Respondido em 26 de junho de 2023 às 16:55
    ola eu queria saber mais sobre como terminar de criar o meu aplicativo de
    vendas e financiamento de carros
    Em seg, 26 de jun de 2023 12:44, Jotform <noreply> escreveu:
  • Rahul Jotform Support
    Respondido em 27 de junho de 2023 às 01:32

    Hi eversonteles1998,

    Thanks for getting back to us. Can you explain a bit more about your queries and what exactly you want so we can assist you better on this? Are you trying to create a form with car finance subscriptions for your clients? It will be great if you share some screenshots showing your requirements and what issues you are facing.

    Meanwhile, check out this guide about How to Set Up a Recurring Payment Option.

    After we hear back from you, we’ll have a better idea of what’s going on and how to help.

  • eversonteles1998
    Respondido em 2 de julho de 2023 às 07:10
    Em ter, 27 de jun de 2023 02:32, Jotform <noreply> escreveu:
  • Manilene Jotform Support
    Respondido em 2 de julho de 2023 às 09:15

    Hi eversonteles1998,

    Thanks for getting back to us. Unfortunately, your last reply has no content. Please post your response again so we can check and help you with it.

    After we hear back from you, we’ll have a better idea of what’s going on and how to help.

  • eversonteles1998
    Respondido em 6 de julho de 2023 às 11:25
    Olá Boa tarde então o site já tá completo mais na hora de enviar não
    aparece opção de enviar os dados gostaria de pedir ajuda para termina de
    fazer o meu site .
    Em dom, 2 de jul de 2023 10:15, Jotform <noreply> escreveu:
  • Manilene Jotform Support
    Respondido em 6 de julho de 2023 às 11:57

    Hi eversonteles1998,

    Thanks for getting back to us. It would help us to understand what’s happening if you could take a screenshot and send it to us. We have a guide here explaining how to do that.

    After we hear back from you, we’ll have a better idea of what’s going on and how to help.

  • eversonteles1998
    Respondido em 6 de julho de 2023 às 18:10
    Olá Boa noite já fiz tudo o que estava o paypal ficar dando erro na hora do
    cadastro preciso de ajudar que alguém der alguma revisão pois na hora que
    termino a opção de enviar para os dados na hora do cadastro some do site .
    Em qui, 6 de jul de 2023 12:57, Jotform <noreply> escreveu:
  • Angeli Jotform Support
    Respondido em 6 de julho de 2023 às 19:05

    Hi Hi eversonteles1998,

    Thanks for getting back to us. Are you working on this form? When I cloned and tested your form, everything worked the way it was supposed to. Take a look at the screenshot below to see my results:

    Need help in creating a car financing form Image 1 Screenshot 20

    I've cleared your form caches. Can you give it another try and let us know what happens? If you're still having the same issue, can you take a screenshot of the error and send it to us? This guide will show you how to do that.

    Give it a try and let us know how it goes.

  • eversonteles1998
    Respondido em 7 de julho de 2023 às 20:50
    Em qui, 6 de jul de 2023 19:09, everson teles <eversonteles1998>
  • Ericson_B Jotform Support
    Respondido em 8 de julho de 2023 às 03:30

    Hi eversonteles1998,

    Thanks for getting back to us. Unfortunately, your response is still incomplete. If you're viewing the thread through email, please click the "View this thread" button, or you can access your support request and reply to it. Let me show you how:

    • On your My Forms page, click the Support option. 
    • Select My Requests under the Get Help tab.

    Need help in creating a car financing form Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Reach out again if you have any other questions.

  • eversonteles1998
    Respondido em 9 de julho de 2023 às 10:55
    Em sáb, 8 de jul de 2023 04:30, Jotform <noreply> escreveu:
  • Rahul Jotform Support
    Respondido em 9 de julho de 2023 às 11:07

    Hi eversonteles1998,

    Thanks for getting back to us. Unfortunately, your last reply has no content. Please post your response again so we can check and help you with it.

    After we hear back from you, we’ll have a better idea of what’s going on and how to help.

  • eversonteles1998
    Respondido em 9 de julho de 2023 às 12:50
    Em dom, 9 de jul de 2023 12:07, Jotform <noreply> escreveu:
  • Rahul Jotform Support
    Respondido em 9 de julho de 2023 às 13:10

    Hi eversonteles1998,

    Thanks for getting back to us. Unfortunately, We still did not receive any content in your last response. Take a look at the screenshot below showing what we received: 

    Need help in creating a car financing form Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Seems you're viewing the thread through email, click on the "View this thread" button and then respond, or you can access your support request by navigating to My Forms page and then click on the Support option, select your request then reply to it. 

    Give it a try and let us know how it goes.

  • eversonteles1998
    Respondido em 9 de julho de 2023 às 15:00
    Olá a pergunta está na imagem abaixo
    Em dom, 9 de jul de 2023 14:10, Jotform <noreply> escreveu:
  • Ericson_B Jotform Support
    Respondido em 9 de julho de 2023 às 15:23

    Hi eversonteles1998,

    Thanks for getting back to us. I'm sorry you're having trouble with this. Unfortunately, the image was not included in your reply. Can you send it again? You can also check out this guide about how to send a screenshot to our Support Forum.

    Once we hear back from you, we'll be able to move forward with a solution.

  • eversonteles1998
    Respondido em 9 de julho de 2023 às 17:00
    Em dom, 9 de jul de 2023 16:23, Jotform <noreply> escreveu:
  • Ericson_B Jotform Support
    Respondido em 9 de julho de 2023 às 17:05

    Hi eversonteles1998,

    Please let us know if you need any more help with this issue. We can also forward your ticket to our Portuguese team if you like to receive support in Portuguese.

    Keep us updated and let us know if you have any other questions.

  • eversonteles1998
    Respondido em 9 de julho de 2023 às 17:05
    Em dom, 9 de jul de 2023 18:00, everson teles <eversonteles1998>
  • eversonteles1998
    Respondido em 9 de julho de 2023 às 19:00
    Sim preciso de ajuda para eu conclui logo o site para que eu posso usá-lo
    Em dom, 9 de jul de 2023 18:05, Jotform <noreply> escreveu:
  • Ericson_B Jotform Support
    Respondido em 9 de julho de 2023 às 19:08

    Hi eversonteles1998,

    Thanks for getting back to us. I checked your form, and it seems that it is not yet completed. Can you give us more details about what you're trying to do so that we can help you in completing your form?

    Once we hear back from you, we'll be able to help you with this.

  • eversonteles1998
    Respondido em 9 de julho de 2023 às 19:15
    Estou tentando mais vai ser para empresa mais ainda falta atualizar para a
    pessoa consegui fazer o cadastro
    Em dom, 9 de jul de 2023 20:08, Jotform <noreply> escreveu:
  • eversonteles1998
    Respondido em 10 de julho de 2023 às 19:30
    Olá Boa noite queria terminar o site pra eu usar
    Em dom, 9 de jul de 2023 20:14, everson teles <eversonteles1998>
  • eversonteles1998
    Respondido em 12 de julho de 2023 às 20:20
    Boa noite fiz o formulário mais queria saber que para empresa teria mais
    Em seg, 10 de jul de 2023 20:26, everson teles <eversonteles1998>
  • Frédéric Jotform Support
    Respondido em 13 de julho de 2023 às 02:06

    Hi eversonteles1998,

    Thanks for reaching out to us for help. I’m using a translation tool to provide assistance, but if you would prefer to get assistance in the Portuguese language, we can forward your ticket to our Portuguese team. But, please note that it could take longer to receive a response.

    The first Form you created seems to meet your expectations. If you would like to know more about the available ressources that Jotform provides, I would suggest taking a look to the thousands of Templates Jotform offers. To browse our Templates, it's easy, let me show you how:

    • In the page of your Forms, click on Create Form

    Need help in creating a car financing form Image 1 Screenshot 40

    • Then click on Use Template

    Need help in creating a car financing form Image 2 Screenshot 51

    This leads you to a list of Templates with a list of types of Template we provide:

    Need help in creating a car financing form Image 3 Screenshot 62

    Let us know if you have any other questions.

  • eversonteles1998
    Respondido em 13 de julho de 2023 às 16:30
    Olá o site tá tudo de bom mais só na hora do cadastro que tá faltando as
    coisas de dentro do site onde quero acrescentar
    Em qui, 13 de jul de 2023 03:06, Jotform <noreply> escreveu:
  • Angeli Jotform Support
    Respondido em 13 de julho de 2023 às 17:02

    Hi eversonteles1998,

    Thanks for getting back to us. Can you share what are the things that you want to add to your form so we can look into it?

    Once we hear back from you, we'll be able to help you with this.

  • eversonteles1998
    Respondido em 13 de julho de 2023 às 17:30
    Quero colocar coisas dentro do site assim que finalizar o cadastro coisas
    como compras outras configurações dentro do site só que quando termina ele
    na hora de fazer o cadastro
    Em qui, 13 de jul de 2023 18:02, Jotform <noreply> escreveu:
  • Angeli Jotform Support
    Respondido em 13 de julho de 2023 às 18:08

    Hi eversonteles1998,

    Thanks for your explanation. If you want to add Products and process payments from your customers you can add a Product list element and connect them to a payment gateway. I'll walk you through setting that up:

    1. In Form Builder, click the Add Form Element menu and drag and drop the Product List element on the form.
    2. You can Edit/Add your products by clicking the List icon and the Wallet icon to add your preferred payment gateway.

    Need help in creating an Order form Image 1 Screenshot 30 Screenshot 20

    Now, if you want to connect the Product list to your PayPal account, let me show you how to do it:

    1. Again, click on the Add Form Element menu on the left side of the page.
    2. Under the Payments tab, choose one of the PayPal options.
    3. In the panel on the right side of the page, click on Connect. This will take you to the PayPal page.
    4. Now, enter all of the necessary information and connect your PayPal account with your form.

    Need help in creating a car financing form Image 1 Screenshot 31

    You might also want to check out this guide about Setting Up Your First Order Form and Mastering Payment Form Integrations With Jotform.

    Give it a try and reach out again if you need any other help.

  • eversonteles1998
    Respondido em 13 de julho de 2023 às 20:05
    o problema que fica na parte de fora queria saber aparte de dentro
    Em qui, 13 de jul de 2023 19:08, Jotform <noreply> escreveu:
  • Rahul Jotform Support
    Respondido em 14 de julho de 2023 às 00:51

    Hi eversonteles1998,

    Thanks for getting back to us. Can you explain a bit more about the issue so we can help you with this? Can you share some screenshots showing the issue?

    After we hear back from you, we’ll have a better idea of what’s going on and how to help.

  • eversonteles1998
    Respondido em 14 de julho de 2023 às 16:35
    Em sex, 14 de jul de 2023 01:51, Jotform <noreply> escreveu:
  • eversonteles1998
    Respondido em 14 de julho de 2023 às 16:35
    Em sex, 14 de jul de 2023 17:31, everson teles <eversonteles1998>
  • eversonteles1998
    Respondido em 14 de julho de 2023 às 16:35
    Em sex, 14 de jul de 2023 17:32, everson teles <eversonteles1998>
  • eversonteles1998
    Respondido em 14 de julho de 2023 às 16:40
    Olá queria saber como configurar isso
    Em sex, 14 de jul de 2023 17:33, everson teles <eversonteles1998>
  • Angeli Jotform Support
    Respondido em 14 de julho de 2023 às 17:06

    Hi eversonteles1998,

    Thanks for getting back to us. Were you trying to send a screenshot in the forum? Unfortunately, we didn't receive it. Can you please resend it? This guide will show you how to do that.

    I've checked your form and it seems that you already added the PayPal Pro in your form. Do you need help setting up your PayPal Pro Integration? If so, I found this guide on where you can get your PayPal API username, password, and signature information. This guide from PayPal might be also helpful to you.

    Give it a try and let us know if you have any other questions.

  • eversonteles1998
    Respondido em 16 de julho de 2023 às 17:05
    Como faço para esse nome não aparece na hora de clicar no link do site
    fazer apenas o meu site aparecer na hora que o cliente for mexe para isso
    não ficar aparecendo
    Em sex, 14 de jul de 2023 18:06, Jotform <noreply> escreveu:
  • Ericson_B Jotform Support
    Respondido em 16 de julho de 2023 às 17:41

    Hi eversonteles1998,

    Thanks for getting back to us. Can you explain a bit more so I can help you better?

    Once we hear back from you, we'll be able to help you with this.

  • eversonteles1998
    Respondido em 16 de julho de 2023 às 18:45
    aquele nome que aparece na aba do site o joftorm tem como retirar ele na
    hora de acessar o site que criei para o cliente não ver aquilo ali
    Em dom, 16 de jul de 2023 18:41, Jotform <noreply> escreveu:
  • Angeli Jotform Support
    Respondido em 16 de julho de 2023 às 18:56

    Hi eversonteles1998,

    Thanks for your explanation. If you're referring to the Jotform Branding, it's easy to remove it from your form. We need to do that on your Jotform Account Settings page on your computer because it's not available yet on the Jotform Mobile application. Let me walk you through it:

    • Open your My Forms page and hover your mouse over your Profile Picture/Avatar on the right side of the page.
    • In the little window that opens up, click on Account Settings.

    Need help in creating a car financing form Image 1 Screenshot 40

    • Then, on the left side of the screen, click on Account.

    Need help in creating a car financing form Image 2 Screenshot 51

    • Once in Account Settings, scroll down a little to the Jotform Footer section and uncheck it.

    Need help in creating a car financing form Image 3 Screenshot 62

    Now, you shouldn't be able to see the Jotform Branding on your form. But, if you were referring to something else, can you take a screenshot of what’s happening and send it to us? This guide will show you how to do that.

    Reach out again if you need any other help.

  • eversonteles1998
    Respondido em 17 de julho de 2023 às 11:11
    Quero saber como tirar esse nome do site para ele não aparecer na hora de
    acessar o site para que o cliente não veja
    Em dom, 16 de jul de 2023 19:56, Jotform <noreply> escreveu:
  • Israel Jotform Support
    Respondido em 17 de julho de 2023 às 13:14

    Hi eversonteles1998,

    Thanks for getting back to us. Can you explain a bit more about what's going on so I can get a better idea? Are you referring to Jotform branding? Please note that accounts in the Free status can not remove the Jotform branding. You would need to upgrade your account in order to be able to uncheck the "Jotform Branding" box on your account settings page.

    If that’s not exactly what you’re looking for, can you explain a bit more so I can help you better? Keep us updated and let us know if you need any more help.

    After we hear back from you, we’ll have a better idea of what’s going on and how to help.

  • eversonteles1998
    Respondido em 17 de julho de 2023 às 16:50
    Olá quero criar sim um plano mais vai ser com CNPJ mais não tá saindo como
    eu esperava sobre a criação do site sobre as configurações de cadastro do
    usuário isso mim decepciona quero concluir a criação do site logo alguém
    poderia mim chamar no Whatsapp esse é meu número 73998110989
    Em seg, 17 de jul de 2023 14:14, Jotform <noreply> escreveu:
  • Angeli Jotform Support
    Respondido em 17 de julho de 2023 às 17:32

    Hi eversonteles1998,

    Thanks for getting back to us. Unfortunately, we don’t currently offer live phone support. If you have any questions, just reply to this thread, or you can create a forum thread from the Contact Us page. We’ll be happy to help.

    As for the issue, if you can take a screenshot of what’s happening, that will help us to better understand what’s going on. We have a guide about how to do that here. Also, is your form embedded on a website? Can you send the website link?

    After we hear back from you, we’ll have a better idea of what’s going on and how to help.

  • eversonteles1998
    Respondido em 17 de julho de 2023 às 17:50
    Olá aqui está o link do site
    Em seg, 17 de jul de 2023 18:32, Jotform <noreply> escreveu:
  • Angeli Jotform Support
    Respondido em 17 de julho de 2023 às 18:13

    Hi eversonteles1998,

    Thanks for the form link but I’m sorry, I couldn’t understand exactly what you want to do. We're unable to identify what image you'd like to be removed from this form or which settings you're referring to. It would help us to understand what’s happening if you could take a screenshot and send it to us. We have a guide here explaining how to do that.

    Once we have a better idea of what’s going on, we’ll be able to come up with a solution.

  • eversonteles1998
    Respondido em 17 de julho de 2023 às 18:45
    Na hora de fazer o login do usuário aparece isso
    Em seg, 17 de jul de 2023 19:13, Jotform <noreply> escreveu:
  • eversonteles1998
    Respondido em 17 de julho de 2023 às 21:05
    Eu queria abrir pra ser empresa
    Em seg, 17 de jul de 2023 19:40, everson teles <eversonteles1998>
  • Israel Jotform Support
    Respondido em 17 de julho de 2023 às 22:04

    Hi eversonteles1998,

    Thanks for getting back to us. Can take a screenshot of what you are trying to achieve? Check the steps and screencast below on how to add a screenshot in your reply:

    1. Click the Add Image icon.
    2. A. Paste the Image URL.
    3. B. Click Drop an Image or click to select to upload the image from your computer.
    4. Click the Add button to include the image in your reply.

    Getting Error 1015  Image 1 Screenshot 20 Screenshot 10 Screenshot 10

    Once we hear back from you, we'll be able to help you with this.

  • eversonteles1998
    Respondido em 18 de julho de 2023 às 14:20
    Quero fazer um plano de 34 dólares mais não tá indo está dando saldo
    insuficiente sendo que está certo 34 dólares custa 163 reais e não vai
    Em seg, 17 de jul de 2023 23:04, Jotform <noreply> escreveu:
  • Manilene Jotform Support
    Respondido em 18 de julho de 2023 às 14:48

    Hi Eversonteles1998,

    Thanks for getting back to us. I’m sorry, I couldn’t understand exactly what you are trying to do. Are you trying to purchase a plan? If so, please send us a screenshot of the error message you're getting when purchasing so we can check it for you.

    Once we have a better idea of what’s going on, we’ll be able to come up with a solution.