Products List: Separate products into categories

  • hdcinfo
    Perguntado em 23 de junho de 2023 às 21:50


    I would like to add my support for this idea. Unfortunately, the given solution of separating a product list into multiple choice questions does not work for me. I also need to have STOCK CONTROL. Only the Product field supports stock control. Thank you!!!

  • Elbert_A Jotform Support
    Respondido em 23 de junho de 2023 às 21:59

    Hi ssimo3,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. While the feature you’re looking for isn’t currently available, rest assured we’re always working to add new services and features to Jotform. 

    I've gone ahead and escalated your request to our Developer Team. When or if it's developed depends on their workload, how viable it is, and how many other users request it. If there are any updates, we’ll circle back to this thread and let you know.

  • Elbert_A Jotform Support
    Respondido em 3 de julho de 2023 às 09:59

    Hi ssimo3,

    Thanks for your patience.  Can you explain a bit more about what you're looking for so I can help you better?

    Once we hear back from you, we'll be able to help you with this.

  • hdcinfo
    Respondido em 5 de julho de 2023 às 09:56

    My "invoice" is actually a personalized schedule for a two-day conference. The "categories" are the days (Day 1 and Day 2). I need stock control because I need to limit the number of people for each breakout session to 25 people, as that is our university- or city-mandated small-room occupancy limit. THIS REQUIREMENT IS LIFE OR DEATH. However, Jotform does not allow stock control on all of its radio button or checkbox questions; only the Product List option, and there can be only one of those per form. I'm not actually collecting payments on my form; the conference is free for all.

  • Elbert_A Jotform Support
    Respondido em 5 de julho de 2023 às 10:19

    Hi ssimo3,

    Thanks for getting back to us. Unfortunately, the product list is the only one that has stock control without asking for payments that may be suitable in your form.

    Let us know if you have any other questions.

  • hdcinfo
    Respondido em 5 de julho de 2023 às 12:39

    I know that. What I am asking is to make a feature request to show product categories in the PDF output. In my case, sessions would show up under "Day 1" or "Day 2." Can you please add my vote to that feature? Please note that I know about subproducts; I am using that feature to make participants select their particular breakout rooms. I am using all three layers: subproducts, products, and categories; and I want ALL of them on the PDF.

  • Anna Jotform Support
    Respondido em 5 de julho de 2023 às 14:57

    Hi ssimo3,

    Thanks for getting back to us. I have added your request to the feature request. We will circle back to this thread once we receive an update from the Developer's team.

    Let us know if you have any other questions.