Jotform Plans: Discount or reseller plan membership.

  • Maiki
    Perguntado em 17 de julho de 2024 às 10:23

    Good morning

    We need to buy 5 accounts of the annual gold plan, payment in one installment. I want to know if there is a possibility of a bigger discount? Or is there an affiliate or reseller plan?

    Well, we're a company that resells Saas licenses and software, and we're going to start recommending Jotform and enabling it for some customers.

    We look forward to


  • Rene Jotform Support
    Respondido em 17 de julho de 2024 às 12:44

    Hi Maiki,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. We currently have the Summer Sale that you can take advantage of to get up to 50% discount on getting an annual plan (Bronze, Silver, Gold). To know more, you can check out our Pricing page.

    Note that the discount is only applicable to select users, mostly new ones. You need to check your Jotform account first if you see the banner in it. If not, unfortunately normal pricing applies. Here are some sample screenshots:

    Jotform Plans: Discount or reseller plan membership Screenshot 50

    Jotform Plans: Discount or reseller plan membership Screenshot 61

    We also have the Non-Profit discount wherein your organization through your Jotform account can avail a discount for the above plans (i.e., Bronze, Silver, Gold). Simply apply for the discount and our dedicated team will update you via email. Let me show you how to apply:

    1. Once logged in to your Jotform account, go to the Non-Profit Pricing page.
    2. Click on Apply in the top right portion of the page, seen on the orange banner.
    3. Select from Monthly and Yearly installments.
    4. Choose the plan and click on Get Started.Jotform Plans: Discount or reseller plan membership Screenshot 72
    5. Fill out the application form and click on Submit application once done.Jotform Plans: Discount or reseller plan membership Screenshot 83

    And yes, we do have a reseller program that you can also take advantage of so you can grow your revenue. To know more, click on this link.

    Reach out again if you have any other questions.

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