Como mostrar o resultado total do quiz?

  • methaatendimento
    Perguntado em 26 de junho de 2024 às 10:32

    Bom dia

    Quero atribuir um valor para cada pergunta e cada componente da avaliação do índice de inteligência metha-humana...que já formatei e publiquei (

    Usei uma escala Likert com 60 perguntas, divididas em blocos de 10 cada assunto (pilar), como segue:

    PILAR I - Neuroadaptação e Flexibilidade Mental (Resiliência e Neuroadaptação)*

    PILAR II - Acoplamento Mental (Qualidade dos Relacionamentos Interpessoais)*

    PILAR III - III. Reprogramação Mental ( Grau de Autoconhecimento)

    PILAR IV - IV. Agilidade Emocional ( Dimensiona a autorregulação emocional)*

    PILAR V - V. Metacognição ( Tomada de Decisão e Solução de Problemas)

    PILAR VI - VI. Estado Metha-Inteligente ( Bem-estar sistêmico, físico, mental e espiritual)*

    As respostas são geradas conforme as perguntas são respondidas, marcando apenas uma opção de 1 a 5. Para cada afirmação, é marcada a opção que melhor descreve o quanto a pessoa concorda com ela, usando a seguinte escala:

    • 1 = Discordo totalmente - Valor -20
    • 2 = Discordo - Valor - 10
    • 3 = Neutro - Valor 0
    • 4 = Concordo - Valor +10
    • 5 = Concordo totalmente - Valor +20

    Máximo possível de pontuação em todos os itens (pilares) - +200

    Mínimo possível de pontuação em todos os itens (pilares) - -200

    Escala de Metha-Inteligência de todos os 6 pilares

    Mínimo -1.200

    Máximo - +1.200

    Como faço para configurar automaticamente a geração do resultado final do questionário quando a pessoa termina de responder?

    Agradeço a atenção


  • Joeni Jotform Support
    Respondido em 26 de junho de 2024 às 13:57

    Hi methaatendimento,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Our Portuguese Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users right now, so I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in Portuguese, let us know and we can have them do that. But, it might take a while until they're available again.

    Now, coming back to your question, To configure the answers to the questionnaires and get the result, you will need to add the Calculation Value of the Scale on each Input Table. Let me show you how:

    1. In Form Builder, select the Gear icon of the Input Table.
    2. Hover your mouse over the Input Table Properties, go to the Options tab, and add the Value of the Scales in the Calculation Values Text Box.

    Como mostrar o resultado total do quiz? Image 1 Screenshot 90 After that, add a Form Calculation Widget on each Pillar question to get the Total Result of the individual Pillar. Let me show you how:

    1. Click the +Add Form Element on the upper left side.
    2. Go to the Widget tab and select the Form Calculation Widget.
    3. Drag it to your form and Rename it as Pilar 1 -Result.

    Como mostrar o resultado total do quiz? Image 2 Screenshot 101 You can do the same step with the rest of the questionnaires. Since you have added the Form Calculation, you will need to create a Conditional Logic using Update/Calculated Field. Here's the screenshot of the conditions:

    Como mostrar o resultado total do quiz? Image 3 Screenshot 112Let me show you how to set conditions:

    1. Go to Settings, on the left side menu select Conditions.
    2. Hover your mouse and click the +Add Form Elements then, select Update/Calculated Field.
    3. Set up the Conditions and click Save.

    Como mostrar o resultado total do quiz? Image 4 Screenshot 123 Please note that the same conditions will apply to the rest of the questionnaires to trigger the result.

    Now, you will need to create another condition using the same logic to trigger the final result of the overall result of all of the questionnaires. Take a look at the screenshots of the conditions below:

    Como mostrar o resultado total do quiz? Image 5 Screenshot 134

    Como mostrar o resultado total do quiz? Image 6 Screenshot 145

    Let me show you how:

    1. Click the +Add Condition button and select Update/Calculate Field.
    2. Set up the above Conditions and click Save.

    Como mostrar o resultado total do quiz? Image 7 Screenshot 156 Check out the screencast of the result below:

    Como mostrar o resultado total do quiz? Image 8 Screenshot 167 Feel Free to check out my cloned form here.

    Give it a try and let us know how it goes.

  • methaatendimento
    Respondido em 26 de junho de 2024 às 14:59

    I want to save this form as main and with scores according to the scale below:

    VERY LOW: MethAIQ from -1200 to -1000

    In this range of results, metha-human intelligence is considered very low, indicating significant difficulty in dealing with emotions, relationships and life challenges. There may be a lack of self-knowledge and emotional self-regulation, as well as low resilience and difficulty creating meaning and purpose in life.

    - LOW: MethAIQ from -999 to 0

    Scores at this level indicate low metha-human intelligence, suggesting the need to improve self-awareness, emotional resilience, and problem-solving skills. There may be challenges in interpersonal relationships and the pursuit of global well-being, reflecting a need for personal and emotional development.

    - LOW-MEDIUM: MethAIQ from 0 to +300

    In this range, metha-human intelligence is considered low to medium, indicating initial progress in the development of skills such as self-knowledge, emotional resilience and interpersonal relationships. There may be room for improvement in decision-making, life purpose and overall well-being.

    - MEDIUM: MethAIQ from +301 to +600

    Scores in this range represent an average level of metahuman intelligence, indicating a solid foundation in areas such as self-awareness, emotional resilience, and interpersonal relationships. There is potential to enhance decision-making, life purpose, and overall well-being to achieve higher levels of metahuman intelligence.

    - MEDIUM-HIGH: MethAIQ from +601 to +900

    At this level, metha-human intelligence is considered medium-high, indicating a good command of skills such as self-knowledge, emotional resilience and interpersonal relationships. There may be a greater focus on decision making, life purpose, and overall well-being to achieve a higher level of metahuman intelligence.

    - HIGH: MethAIQ from +900 to +1100

    Scores in this range represent a high level of metahuman intelligence, indicating advanced mastery in areas such as self-awareness, emotional resilience, and interpersonal relationships. There is likely to be a strong decision-making capacity, purpose in life and overall well-being, reflecting a high level of metahuman intelligence.

    - TOP: MethAIQ over +1,100

    In this range of results, metha-human intelligence is considered superior, indicating an exceptional level of skills such as self-knowledge, emotional resilience, interpersonal relationships, decision making, life purpose and global well-being. Individuals with scores at this level can be considered masters in the practice of metahuman intelligence.

    I want to save this form as main and with scores according to the scale below:

    VERY LOW: MethAIQ from -1200 to -1000

    In this range of results, metha-human intelligence is considered very low, indicating significant difficulty in dealing with emotions, relationships and life challenges. There may be a lack of self-knowledge and emotional self-regulation, as well as low resilience and difficulty creating meaning and purpose in life.

    - LOW: MethAIQ from -999 to 0

    Scores at this level indicate low metha-human intelligence, suggesting the need to improve self-awareness, emotional resilience, and problem-solving skills. There may be challenges in interpersonal relationships and the pursuit of global well-being, reflecting a need for personal and emotional development.

    - LOW-MEDIUM: MethAIQ from 0 to +300

    In this range, metha-human intelligence is considered low to medium, indicating initial progress in the development of skills such as self-knowledge, emotional resilience and interpersonal relationships. There may be room for improvement in decision-making, life purpose and overall well-being.

    - MEDIUM: MethAIQ from +301 to +600

    Scores in this range represent an average level of metahuman intelligence, indicating a solid foundation in areas such as self-awareness, emotional resilience, and interpersonal relationships. There is potential to enhance decision-making, life purpose, and overall well-being to achieve higher levels of metahuman intelligence.

    - MEDIUM-HIGH: MethAIQ from +601 to +900

    At this level, metha-human intelligence is considered medium-high, indicating a good command of skills such as self-knowledge, emotional resilience and interpersonal relationships. There may be a greater focus on decision making, life purpose, and overall well-being to achieve a higher level of metahuman intelligence.

    - HIGH: MethAIQ from +900 to +1100

    Scores in this range represent a high level of metahuman intelligence, indicating advanced mastery in areas such as self-awareness, emotional resilience, and interpersonal relationships. There is likely to be a strong decision-making capacity, purpose in life and overall well-being, reflecting a high level of metahuman intelligence.

    - TOP: MethAIQ over +1,100

    In this range of results, metha-human intelligence is considered superior, indicating an exceptional level of skills such as self-knowledge, emotional resilience, interpersonal relationships, decision making, life purpose and global well-being. Individuals with scores at this level can be considered masters in the practice of metahuman intelligence.

    How do I save?

  • Jefferson Jotform Support
    Respondido em 26 de junho de 2024 às 17:41

    Hi methaatendimento,

    Can you elaborate more on where you want to save the text to your form? If you want to show it on the Thank You Page, then here's how to do it:

    1. Click on the Settings tab in the orange navigation bar at the top of Form Builder.
    2. Select Conditions on the left side of the screen.
    3. Click +Add a New ConditionComo mostrar o resultado total do quiz? Image 1 Screenshot 150
    4. Select the Change Thank You Page and then set the conditions just like you see below:Como mostrar o resultado total do quiz? Image 2 Screenshot 161Como mostrar o resultado total do quiz? Image 3 Screenshot 172Como mostrar o resultado total do quiz? Image 4 Screenshot 183Como mostrar o resultado total do quiz? Image 5 Screenshot 194Como mostrar o resultado total do quiz? Image 6 Screenshot 205Como mostrar o resultado total do quiz? Image 7 Screenshot 216Como mostrar o resultado total do quiz? Image 8 Screenshot 227Como mostrar o resultado total do quiz? Image 9 Screenshot 238Como mostrar o resultado total do quiz? Image 10 Screenshot 249Como mostrar o resultado total do quiz? Image 11 Screenshot 2510Como mostrar o resultado total do quiz? Image 12 Screenshot 2611Como mostrar o resultado total do quiz? Image 13 Screenshot 2712Como mostrar o resultado total do quiz? Image 14 Screenshot 2813

    If this is not what you are looking for, can you elaborate more so we can help you better?

    After we hear back from you, we’ll have a better idea of what’s going on and how to help.

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