Preencha previamente os dados de outro formulário.

  • welenson
    Perguntado em 21 de junho de 2024 às 13:56

    Por favor, em Tabelas tem essa opção de Conexão, eu consigo fazer com que quando eu preencher o formulário "A" no campo "observação" , com a conexão o formulario "B" tenho o campo "observação" preenchido com o conteudo do formulario "A"?

    Preencha previamente os dados de outro formulário Screenshot 20

  • Silvano Jotform Support
    Respondido em 21 de junho de 2024 às 14:06

    Hi welenson,

    Our Portuguese Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users right now, so I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in Portuguese, let us know and we can have them do that. But, it might take a while until they're available again.

    Now, coming back to your question, if you wish to Prefill data from another form, you can try using Form Prefill instead. It's easy, let me show you how:

    1. In Form Builder, click on Publish in the orange navigation bar at the top of the page.
    2. Now, click on Prefill tab from the left panel.
    3. Next, click on the Form Prefill option.

    Form Prefill option in Jotform Prefill Screenshot 10

    4. Select the source form from the dropdown and map the fields according to your requirement. While the Form Builder automatically maps the basic fields, you can map more fields by clicking the Add More link.

    Form Prefill settings Screenshot 21

    5. Finally, click on Save Settings button.

    That's it. Give it a try and let us know if you need any other help.

  • welenson
    Respondido em 21 de junho de 2024 às 14:32

    Entendi essa opção que vc me mostrou.

    O que preciso, e não se se é possivel seria a situação abaixo.

    De alguma forma essa opção de conexão eu consigo a partir de dois campos iguais em duas tabelas, quando eu preencher um determinado campo ele olhar esse campo igual e preencher na tabela da conexão?

    Exemplo, Tabela 1 e Tabela 2 tem o campo Codigo igual, dessa forma quando eu preencher o campo Observação na tabela 1 a conexão vai ate a tabela 2 no campo codigo e quando o codigo igual a 3 ela atualiza o campo observacao na tabela 2,

    Preencha previamente os dados de outro formulário Screenshot 20

  • Arslan Jotform Support
    Respondido em 21 de junho de 2024 às 17:06

    Hi welenson,

    If I understood correctly, you want to populated data from one table to another table. You can use Table Prefill to prefill data from a table to your form. Let me walk you through it:

    1. Open your form in Form Builder, in the orange navigation bar at the top of the page, click on Publish.
    2. In the menu that appears on the left side of the screen, click on Prefill.
    3. Select a Table, then match the fields and click on Save Settings.

    Preencha previamente os dados de outro formulário Screenshot 20

    Can you try it again and see how it goes? If you run into the same issue again, let us know, and we'll do some more testing to see what's going on. 

    Give it a try and reach out again if you have any other questions.

  • welenson
    Respondido em 21 de junho de 2024 às 17:18

    Acessando o formulario abaixo,

    Código: 000443

    Codigo para Acesso: va6611

    Eu consigo quando preencher o campo observação nesse formulario do link acima, ele atualizar essa tabela no campo observação no codigo 000443 sem que eu tenha que abrir essa tabela do segundo link que te mandei?

  • Arslan Jotform Support
    Respondido em 21 de junho de 2024 às 18:26

    Hi welenson,

    Unfortunately, it is not possible to import data from a different table based on a particular field. Table Connection feature will add the complete column to the Table, and then you can select the results manually. Let me show you how:

    • Open your form in Form Builder, click on the Downward Arrow icon next to the Jotform Logo and select Table.
    • In Submission Table, click on the field with connection, click on the Add button, and select the results.

    Preencha previamente os dados de outro formulário Screenshot 20

    As a workaround, you can also pass data entered in one form to another by prepopulating fields using the URL parameters, but you'll need to redirect the user to the second form right after filling the form.

    Give it a try and reach out again if you have any other questions.

  • welenson
    Respondido em 1 de julho de 2024 às 08:42

    Bom dia,

    No formulario abaixo, estou tentando trazer um campo de outro formulario, conforme me explicou acima.

    Com as configurações que fiz, no campo TAREFA, teria que vir as opções que tenho no outro formulario, seria isso mesmo?

    Preencha previamente os dados de outro formulário Screenshot 20

  • Arslan Jotform Support
    Respondido em 1 de julho de 2024 às 10:19

    Hi welenson,

    Yes, that's correct, but you also need to select the column from the table to prefill the field, and then you can send an invitation link to the user to fill the form. Let me walk you through it:

    1. Open your form in Form Builder, in the orange navigation bar at the top of the page, click on Publish.
    2. In the menu that appears on the left side of the screen, click on Prefill.
    3. Select Form Prefill, select the form from the dropdown, and then select the fields you want to prefill.
    4. Now, click on Add a New Prefill, select a row from the table to prefill, and click on the green Create button located on the top right side of the screen.
    5. Select the prefill, click on the blue Send Invitation located above the prefill, and then enter the recipient email address and click on Send Invitation.

    Preencha previamente os dados de outro formulário Screenshot 20

    Give it a try and reach out again if you have any other questions.

  • welenson
    Respondido em 1 de julho de 2024 às 10:33

    Entendi bem, obrigado.

    Mais uma duvida, eu tenho a tabela de Demanda, e a minha outra é a de Orçamentos.

    Para a tabela de Orçamentos eu gostaria de quando for preencher, eu selecionasse a tarefa(na tabela de demanda) referente a esse orçamento.

    Tentando usar a opção de preencher com outro formulario fica inviavel.

    Teria como fazer isso de outra forma?

  • Arslan Jotform Support
    Respondido em 1 de julho de 2024 às 11:22

    Hi Welenson,

    I am unable to understand what you're trying to achieve. Can you share more detail, and also take a reference screenshot of what you want to achieve and send it to us? We’ve got a guide here that’ll show you how to do that.

    Once we hear back from you, we'll be able to move forward with this.

  • welenson
    Respondido em 1 de julho de 2024 às 11:48


    No formulario(, o campo (Serviço), é referente ao campo (TAREFA) deste formulario (, eu gostaria de ter a opção de quando clicar no campo SERVIÇO, as TAREFAS do outro formulario aparecesse para eu selecionar ela.

    Se tivesse a possibilidade, gostaria que aparecesse todas, não somente 20 conforme a opção que vc me deu acima.

    Seria possivel?

  • Arslan Jotform Support
    Respondido em 1 de julho de 2024 às 14:16

    Hi Welenson,

    Unfortunately, the feature you’re looking for isn’t currently available yet. As a workaround, you can manually pass the data in the Service fields. Let me show you how you can do it:

    1. Open your form in Form Builder, click on the Downward Arrow icon next to the Jotform Logo and select Table.

    2. In Submission Table, click on Download All located at the right top of the table, and select Download as Excel.

    Preencha previamente os dados de outro formulário Screenshot 50

    3. In Submission Table, click on the Downward Arrow icon next to the Jotform Logo and select Form Builder.

    4. Click on the Add Form Element menu on the left side of the page.

    5. Under Basic tab, scroll down to Short text field and drag and drop it on your form.

    6. Click on the Widget tab, search Spreadsheet to Form, and drag and drop it on your form.

    7. Click on the Spreadsheet to Form widget on the form, and click on the Wand icon located on the right side.

    8. In the menu appears on the right side of the screen, click on Upload file and add the Excel file.

    9. Now, scroll down to Autofill By Condition and select Yes.

    Preencha previamente os dados de outro formulário Screenshot 61

    10. In the orange navigation bar at the top of the screen, click on Settings.

    11. In the menu that appears on the left side of the screen, click on Conditions.

    12. Click on Add Conditions, and select Update/Calculate Field.

    Preencha previamente os dados de outro formulário Screenshot 72

    13. Set the Conditions as given below:

    Preencha previamente os dados de outro formulário Screenshot 83

    Give it a try and reach out again if you have any other questions.

  • welenson
    Respondido em 1 de julho de 2024 às 14:20
