Assistance to transfer forms between accounts

  • emailsgoomark
    Perguntado em 20 de maio de 2024 às 13:18

    Good afternoon! How are you?!

    I sent another private request about 2hrs ago and I did not get any answer. I checked on the public forum and noticed that people that requested something public later than I did, actually got their answer/reply before me, that's why I'm opening another request and reposting it here publicly.

    Could you please help me out transfering two forms between accounts?!

    Main Account User: emailsgoomark

    FORM 01: CV -

    (This one had about 18 answers. Will they be transfered as well?!)

    FORM 02: LEAD -

    Transfer User: clientesgoomarkpushing


    Thank you in advance. Best regards,


  • emailsgoomark
    Respondido em 20 de maio de 2024 às 13:30

    Hi! Christian from support replied me back on my original ticket demand. I guess you could close this one for now... Thank you.