Enhancing Activity Flow Customization

  • marconimedeirospj
    Perguntado em 17 de abril de 2024 às 13:38

    Dear Support Team,

    I hope this message finds you well. I’ve been using the activity flow customization tool in RD Station, and I have a suggestion that could improve the user experience for many of our customers.

    Suggestion: Add Webhook or API Activation Option to flow tools

    Currently, the activity flow customization allows users to define various steps and actions within their workflows. However, it would be incredibly valuable if there were an option to activate a webhook or API at the end of a specific flow. This would enable seamless integration with external systems, allowing users to automate further actions based on their customized flows.

    By implementing this feature, we can empower our users to connect RD Station with their preferred tools, enhance data synchronization, and streamline their processes. It aligns with the growing trend of integrating marketing and sales automation platforms with other business applications.

    I kindly request that the development team consider adding this functionality in a future update. I believe it would greatly benefit our users and contribute to the overall success of RD Station.

    The most important thing is: webhook or API opens the possibility infinitly and we depend each more less from your dev team! Is a strategy with double win for booth sides.

    Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you need any further details or have questions, feel free to reach out.

    Best regards,

    Marconi Medeiros

  • Gaud Jotform Support
    Respondido em 17 de abril de 2024 às 16:03

    Hi Marconi Medeiros,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I've gone through your suggestion. I wanted to ask a few more questions regarding your suggestion so we could get a better understanding and idea of how to help you. Did you mean you wish to use Webhook or API activation for the Jotform's Approval flow? If not, can you please let us know what types of tools you are referring to?

    Do note that on Jotform, you can send the submission data via Webhook integration. Here is a helpful guide, you can check it out. You can use Zapier to get the webhook link. Here is an API's documentation from the Jotform you can explore.

    After we hear back from you, we’ll have a better idea of what’s going on and how to help.

  • marconimedeirospj
    Respondido em 17 de abril de 2024 às 16:18

    Thank you very much for engaging.

    Indeed, there are several features that Jotform does not currently provide (as far as I know). However, leveraging the concept of Open API or Economy of API could allow you to enhance functionality and reach new targets with minimal effort, especially for those who are experienced developers.

    Here are some functionalities I miss in my day-to-day usage:

    1. On-Demand Payments (e.g., after approval of a flow):
    • Having the ability to handle payments directly within Jotform would be valuable.
    1. SMS Sending:
    • Integrating SMS capabilities would enhance communication options.
    1. REST Requests (GET, POST, PATCH, UPDATE):
    • Direct REST requests would enable more flexible interactions with external systems.
    1. Requests to GPT:
    • The ability to interact with GPT (such as for natural language processing) would be beneficial.

    While I understand that many integrations already exist through Zapier, having these smaller features natively within Jotform would be essential. For instance, receiving data via API for “pre-filling” forms would streamline workflows.

    Addressing these four points could exponentially expand the tool’s potential for users like myself.

    Regarding workarounds (“gambiarras”), I’ve encountered situations where using a Mailserver (sending requests via email instead of a Webserver or API) or creating less-than-ideal iFrames was necessary. Similarly, I once wrote JavaScript code to make an API request to GPT, and it felt quite unconventional.

    In summary, I hope this provides insight into my perspective, and I trust it may be useful in some way. For now, I’ll continue with my creative workarounds.

    Feel free to reach out if you have any further thoughts or questions! 😊

  • Gaud Jotform Support
    Respondido em 17 de abril de 2024 às 16:57

    Hi Marconi Medeiros,

    Thanks for getting back to us with the details. I've gone through your suggested details.

    1. Unfortunately, there is no feature to handle the payment directly within Jotform after the approval of the flow. I will check if I can raise a feature request on this.
    2. For SMS, we have Twilio integration. But you will need a Twilio account. Enhancing Activity Flow Customization Image 1 Screenshot 30
    3. You can use the HTTP post to include the submission data. Enhancing Activity Flow Customization Image 2 Screenshot 41
    4. For the REST and GPT requests and receiving the data via API for prefilling forms, I'll try to open the check to see if it's possible to raise the feature request.

    Thanks for your suggestion; we appreciate your input.