Liberar espaço para Upload

  • prodosesp
    Perguntado em 28 de fevereiro de 2024 às 14:23

    Não consigo liberar espaço para upload. Gostaria de auxilio.

  • Mary Enterprise Support
    Respondido em 28 de fevereiro de 2024 às 16:34

    Hi prodosesp,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, our Portuguese Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in Portuguese, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.

    Now, let me help you with your question. After checking, your form has multiple images uploaded in a single submission. This will easily consume the Upload space of the account. You added a limit of up to 11MB. The upload space for the Starter plan is at 100 MB. Receiving multiple images at 11MB can easily push the upload space to the limit. Before deleting those, you can download them first.

    1. In My Forms page, select the form with file attachments.
    2. Click the Submissions showing in the top toolbar or the from the dropdown list when you click More found on the right side of the form. Liberar espaço para Upload  Image 1 Screenshot 20
    3. Once you're in the Tables page, click the Download All button and select Download Attachments option.Upload Space overlimit but my account shows no forms Image 2 Screenshot 101 Screenshot 31 Screenshot 31 Screenshot 31
    4. A zip file containing the uploaded files will be sent to the account's registered email. (Please note that, this process may take some time if your form contains a large number of file uploads.)Upload Space overlimit but my account shows no forms Image 3 Screenshot 112 Screenshot 42 Screenshot 42 Screenshot 42

    You can learn more about the different ways to download your submission files by checking this link.

    Once you have downloaded the needed submission files, you can now permanently delete those.

    1. In My Forms page, select the form with file attachments.
    2. Click Submissions from the options appearing.
    3. You can delete the entries by:
      a. specific entries - select an entry and click the three-dot icon and select move to Trash.Upload Space overlimit but my account shows no forms Image 4 Screenshot 123 Screenshot 53 Screenshot 53 Screenshot 53b. multiple entries - select multiple entries and click the three-dot icon and select move to Trash.Upload Space overlimit but my account shows no forms Image 5 Screenshot 134 Screenshot 64 Screenshot 64 Screenshot 64c. filtered submissions - Click the Filter option in the upper-left corner, add your desired filter, and click the Apply Filter button.Upload Space overlimit but my account shows no forms Image 6 Screenshot 145 Screenshot 75 Screenshot 75 Screenshot 75

    Once you have deleted the entries, please note that it will stay in the Trash entries for 30 days before it gets deleted permanently. Since you have downloaded those files already, you can purge the deleted entries instead of waiting for 30-day period.

    1. Open the Trash Entries by clicking the three-dot icon.
    2. Click the Trashed EntriesUpload Space overlimit but my account shows no forms Image 7 Screenshot 156 Screenshot 86 Screenshot 86 Screenshot 86
    3. In the Trash panel showing on the right, select the submissions to delete or simply select all, then select Delete Forever.
    4. Confirm the action by selecting Delete.Upload Space overlimit but my account shows no forms Image 8 Screenshot 167 Screenshot 97 Screenshot 97 Screenshot 97

    Alternatively, you can set up the option to auto-delete submissions. You can also manage the file size that you'll accept per upload and make the size smaller.

    Then, refresh your page by pressing F5 so the changes will update on your account's end and check again.

    Let us know if you have any other questions.