Problemas na integração com Google Sheets

  • henrique610
    Perguntado em 27 de fevereiro de 2024 às 09:21


    No formulário utilizamos a integração com Google Sheets para passar os dados para outras pessoas. Porém a integração por vezes está salvando os dados encima do próprio cabeçalho criado pelo Jotform e acabamos perdendo alguns dados. Já tentei refazer a integração e o erro persiste. Como posso resolver?

    Problemas na integração com Google Sheets Image 1 Screenshot 20 - integração na guia alunos novo

    Jotform Thread 12318511 Screenshot
  • Lorenz Jotform Support
    Respondido em 27 de fevereiro de 2024 às 09:45

    Hi Henrique,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I cloned your form and I was not able to replicate the issue. The column header texts isn't getting overwritten by the submissions that are saved into to the spreadsheet.

    After you integrate the form to the Spreadsheet, are you making any modifications on the Sheet? This issue occurs when the integrated spreadsheet is modified such as changing/hiding the header column, etc. Most of the times, the modifications could mess up the integrations.

    I would suggest you re-integrate again and leave the spreadsheet as is, and observe if incoming submissions overwrites the column headers.

    Give it a try and let us know how it goes.