How to Upload Images from the Mobile Phone into the Form?

  • SuporteWsTech
    Perguntado em 30 de janeiro de 2024 às 10:43

    Atualmente temos um campo no formulário que tira foto no momento do preenchimento, porem os técnicos estão precisando de um campo que seja possível carregar a foto da galeria/câmera, ja tirada. Como fazemos?

  • Kyle Jotform Support
    Respondido em 30 de janeiro de 2024 às 13:03

    Hi SuporteWsTech ,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Our Portuguese Support agents are currently busy assisting other Jotform users. However, I'd be happy to help you in English using Google Translate and you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. If you'd rather have support in Portuguese, let us know, and we can have them do that. But keep in mind that you'll have to wait until they're available again.

    Now, let me help you with your question. To upload a photo from the gallery, let me show you How to Add/Insert Images on Your Forms:

    1. Create an Image element in your form using Form Builder.How to Upload Images from the Mobile Phone into the Form? Image 1 Screenshot 30
    2. Choose a File by clicking on it on the right side.
    3. Select the image's source at the end.How to Upload Images from the Mobile Phone into the Form? Image 2 Screenshot 41

    You have the following choices for the image source:

    • Upload: Choose a picture file from your mobile device.
    • My Images: Select an image from your already-uploaded collection. Here, you can also remove the photos you've posted.
    • Enter URL: Enter the address or link to your picture.

    You can use the Image Gallery or Image Slider Widget to display several images.

    That's it! Reach out to us if you have any questions.

  • SuporteWsTech
    Respondido em 31 de janeiro de 2024 às 08:12

    Kyle Obrigado!

    Porem não é isso que precisamos.

    O que precisamos é que as imagens sejam carregadas no formulario durante o preenchimento.


    A pessoa que vai preencher o formulário ja vai ter tirado fotos no seu celular (estará salva na galeria do seu ceular), ela precisa inserir essas fotos no formulário.


  • Harshad_P Jotform Support
    Respondido em 31 de janeiro de 2024 às 10:14

    Hi SuporteWsTech,

    Thanks for reaching out to us for help. We have a File Upload element that makes it easy for anyone to attach files when they fill out a form. Let me show you how to add it:

    1. Open your form in Form Builder and click on the Add Form Elements menu on the left side of the screen.
    2. Under the Basic tab, scroll down to the Field Upload element and add it to your form. That’s it.

    1644224408 6200df988da52 screencast 2022 Screenshot 10

    We also have a guide about How to Create File Upload Forms that you might find helpful.

    Give it a try and let us know if you have any other questions.