Form submissions to tasks

Automatically create tasks from form submissions. Send tasks straight to your all-in-one task management board for easy access.

Create a Board - Itā€™s Free
Cake order form shown and next to it submission flow to board column is indicated

How to Connect Submissions to the Boards

cv submission form submission flow shown and below it there is job application board

Connect a form

Select an existing form or create a new form to connect to your board.

import option is shown and 3 different form around it

Capture and Import

Once you connect your form to a board, new submissions will automatically appear as tasks. If you're connecting an existing form with existing submissions, you can import those past responses to be displayed alongside the new ones.

example board column shown with names and job title of these persons

Share and Resolve

Every new submission is automatically converted into a task, allowing you to manage responses within your board effortlessly.

Easy to use

Effortlessly connect forms to your board and watch submissions turn into tasks instantly. With a user-friendly interface, managing responses is easier than ever.

Create a Board - Itā€™s Free
Asset connection option has shown with 2 example forms about job application process

Organize tasks

Keep tasks organized by setting their priority, categorizing with tags, or adjusting their order in a group. Maintain a clear workflow to ensure nothing gets overlooked.

Create a Board - Itā€™s Free
Add group option is shown and there are 2 different board columns that can be organized

Assign tasks and collaborate on requests

Easily delegate tasks by assigning them to team members. Keep track of responsibilities, streamline collaboration, and ensure every submission is handled efficiently.

Create a Board - Itā€™s Free
Card is shown as moved to different board column to show editting and updating tasks

Edit and update tasks

Modify task details directly on your board. Update task descriptions, groups, due dates, and add comments in real-time to keep information accurate and up to date.

Create a Board - Itā€™s Free
Edit and update tasks

Manage multiple forms in one board

Connect multiple forms to one board to consolidate submissions without having to switch from different boards.

Create a Board - Itā€™s Free
Event planning board next registration and application form around it to show the ability of managing multiple forms