Szablony ankiet pracowniczych

1 szablonów

About Ankiety Pracownicze

Otrzymuj odpowiedzi, których potrzebujesz do ulepszenia firmy dla Twoich pracowników z darmowymi szablonami ankiety pracownika online! To świetne rozwiązanie dla pracowników działów kadr i liderów zespołu — darmowe Ankiety Pracownika Jotform pozwolą Ci przeprowadzić ankiety byś mógł dowiedzieć się, co pracownicy myślą o swojej pracy — nawet pracując zdalnie. Wybierz szablon ankiety poniżej, dostosuj go do swoich potrzeb i udostępnij przy pomocy linku lub wstaw go na swoją stronę by zacząć zbierać odpowiedzi. Wszystkie odpowiedzi są bezpiecznie przechowywane na Twoim koncie Jotform, chronione zgodnością z GDPR, CCPA i 256-bitowym połączeniem SSL.

Niezależnie, czy szukasz ankiet satysfakcji z pracy, oceny pracy czy wywiadów wyjściowych, mamy wiele szablonów na dobry początek — a dostosowywanie wybranego szablonu jest proste. Kreator Ankiet Jotform pozwoli ci przeciągać i upuszczać by dodawać nowe pola formularza, dodać swoje logo, pole e-podpisu, lub zmienić czcionki i kolory w kilka sekund. Możesz nawet zsynchronizować odpowiedzi ze 100+ innymi platformami, takimi jak Dysk Google, Drobpox, Box, Slack, Airtable i inne! Przyśpiesz sposób, w który pobierasz opinie pracowników z darmowymi Ankietami Pracownika online od Jotform.

Najczęściej Zadawane Pytania

1) What is an employee survey?

An employee survey is a tool used by organizations to gather feedback and insights from employees about the workplace. These surveys can cover topics such as job satisfaction, workplace culture, and management effectiveness.

2) Importance of employee surveys in the workplace

Employee surveys are vital because they provide leaders with valuable feedback directly from their teams. Employee responses help highlight areas of success and identify challenges that might not be visible to leaders otherwise. By using surveys, organizations can make informed decisions that contribute to improved workplace environments and employee satisfaction.

3) Benefits of conducting employee surveys

Employee surveys provide a platform for employees to express their thoughts and concerns to management. They help pinpoint gaps in management and operations that can be addressed to improve overall organizational performance. The insights gained from surveys can also help guide strategic decisions aimed at boosting morale and productivity.

4) Types of employee surveys

There are many types of employee surveys:

  • Engagement surveys measure how invested and enthusiastic an employee is about their role.
  • Satisfaction surveys look at how much an employee enjoys various aspects of their job.
  • Shorter check-in surveys, known as pulse surveys, provide a status update on employee engagement or satisfaction at a particular moment or about a specific topic.
  • Onboarding surveys provide insights into the recruitment and hiring process, as well as what motivates new employees.
  • Exit surveys gather feedback on a departing employee’s experience and reasons for leaving.
  • Company culture surveys explore the underlying beliefs and behaviors that shape the workplace environment.

Other employee survey types address more specific areas, such as employee benefits, performance, and well-being.

5) Best practices for conducting employee surveys

When conducting employee surveys, it is important to be clear and concise and use direct questions. Include a mix of open-ended questions and closed-ended questions to gather both qualitative insights and quantitative data. Depending on the topic, it can be helpful to keep survey responses anonymous to ensure employees feel comfortable providing honest feedback.

Conduct surveys regularly to monitor progress and changes over time, but avoid sending surveys during busy periods when employees are less likely to participate.

To encourage survey completion, inform employees about why the survey is being conducted and how their feedback will be used to make meaningful changes. After survey responses have been collected and reviewed, share what you’ve learned and outline the steps you intend to take based on feedback.

6) How to improve employee survey participation

To improve participation, make sure the survey is easy to access and complete. Surveys created with Jotform are accessible from any smartphone, tablet, or computer, so employees can complete them from the office, at home, or on the go. You can also use Jotform to send automated reminders to employees who haven’t completed the survey, helping achieve higher response rates.

A shorter, personalized survey can be more appealing and lead to higher completion rates. All Jotform survey templates are fully customizable, so you can ensure your survey is engaging and relevant to your team. You can also set up conditional logic so respondents can skip certain questions based on their previous responses, creating a more dynamic survey that’s relevant to each employee.

Don’t forget to share your survey findings and plans to address the feedback — this will reinforce the value of employees’ responses and encourage participation in future surveys.

7) Analyzing and interpreting employee survey data

You can use Jotform to easily aggregate data and identify trends. Break down the feedback you receive into specific categories to pinpoint specific concerns. Look for common themes or repeated problems that could indicate larger systemic issues, and then plan specific actions to address those issues.

You can use Jotform to convert data into graphs and charts within Jotform Tables, allowing you to better visualize patterns and trends. You can also use Jotform’s Report Builder to generate and send customized reports to stakeholders based on the survey data.

8) Using employee surveys to enhance employee engagement

Employee surveys enhance engagement by making employees feel heard and valued. When employees see that their opinions can influence real changes in the workplace, they feel more connected to the organization. Regular feedback through surveys also keeps management attuned to employees’ evolving needs and expectations, helping foster a positive and responsive work environment.