Kreator wypełnialnych PDF-ów Jotform pozwoli Ci stworzyć dostosowane formularze PDF, które użytkownicy będą mogli z łatwością wypełnić i przesłać ze swoich urządzeń.
Stwórz wypełnialny formularz PDFDodać wypełnialne pola formularza, takie jak puste pola tekstowe, pola wyboru i pytania wielokrotnego wyboru.
Przesłać formularz przez e-mail lub wstawić na stronę, by użytkownicy mogli wypełnić go na laptopie, komputerze, telefonie lub tablecie.
Wstawić pole podpisu, by umożliwić użytkownikom podpisanie formularza.
Stwórz darmowe konto Jotform i zbuduj wypełnialny formularz PDF od zera — lub prześlij istniejący formularz PDF, by jednym kliknięciem przekonwertować go na wypełnialny PDF.
Dodaj numery stron, logo firmowe lub obrazy marki dla dopracowanego, profesjonalnego wyglądu.
Automatycznie przesyłaj kopie wypełnionych formularzy PDF do odpowiadających po wypełnieniu formularza.
Zapisz kopię wypełnialnego PDF-a lub wyślij jako załącznik e-mail.
A fillable PDF is an interactive PDF document that allows users to enter text in form fields without the need for PDF editing software. Fillable PDFs are also referred to as interactive PDFs, editable PDFs, writable PDFs, or automated PDFs. Fillable PDFs offer a fast and easy way to complete forms, sign documents, and collect data.
Fillable PDFs are useful for a wide variety of purposes. You can use a fillable PDF to gather applications, collect e-signatures, conduct performance reviews or surveys, and so much more. And in contrast to messy paper forms, fillable PDFs can be stored online and are accessible to many people at once — allowing you to cast a wider net and gather more responses more efficiently.
Additionally, you can create a fillable PDF in minutes, then share it with your target audience to collect responses or e-signatures quickly and efficiently — perfect for a growing small business, an established company, or any organization in between.
While fillable forms and PDF documents are both online documents that are used for similar purposes, there are quite a few differences between them. It’s key to understand those differences so you can choose the type of online document that works best for your specific needs.
Generally speaking, a PDF is a static electronic file format that’s usually uneditable without special software. Most PDFs can only be opened with a PDF viewer and cannot be edited or filled in once they have been created. The only way to edit a PDF that has been sent to you is to download it and edit it in another software program, or by printing it out and filling it in by hand — which isn’t the most efficient way to use an online document. You generally can’t add extra features to PDFs or integrate them with other programs to enhance user experience either.
On the other hand, fillable PDFs are great tools to collect data from users through a web browser — no intermediary software required. Fillable PDF forms are easy to access and can be filled out directly online, without having to print them out or use additional software to edit them. Also, fillable PDF forms can integrate with other tools and widgets online to enhance the user experience.
If you’re looking for an advanced fillable PDF form tool, with a variety of customization options, we recommend Jotform’s fillable PDF forms.
You can use Jotform’s Smart PDF Editor to convert an existing PDF into a fillable form. Just follow these steps.
You can create a fillable PDF form from scratch seamlessly with Jotform by following these steps.
While there are tons of great software tools out there for creating a fillable PDF, Jotform provides an easy, intuitive way to do it. With Jotform, not only can you create your own fillable PDF from scratch, but you can also upload and repurpose PDFs that you’ve used in the past. With Jotform’s easy-to-use PDF editor, you can integrate with helpful apps and widgets, change fonts and colors, upload images, set up autoresponder emails, directly embed your PDFs in websites, and more!
Yes, your fillable PDFs can be password-protected with Jotform Smart PDF Forms. To do this, follow the steps below.
Your password-protected PDF is ready to go! Share it however you like through the Publish tab.
Fillable PDF forms can be useful in a number of situations depending on the needs of each user. Here are some popular uses for fillable PDF forms:
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