Changing the form language to English.

  • tinydoghotelmarbella
    Asked on 22 sierpnia 2023 05:28

    Dzień dobry,

    chciałabym zmienić język obsługi strony z języka polskiego na angielski. Nie bardzo wiem jak to zrobić? Czy w momencie kiedy prześlę login i hasło do osoby za granicą z innym językiem głównym na ich komputerze czy zmieni się również język obsługi strony Jotform?

  • Lorelie Enterprise Support
    Replied on 22 sierpnia 2023 08:32

    Hi tinydoghotelmarbella,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, our Polish Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in Polish, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.

    Now, let me help you with your question. Changing the form language to English is easy. Let me walk you through it:

    • Open your form in Form Builder.
    • In the orange navigation bar at the top of the screen, click on Settings.
    • Click on the Show More Options button.
    • Scroll down to the Form Language section and select the English language.

    Changing the form language to English Screenshot 50

    Also, you can make your form Multilingual. Let me show you how:

    • In your Form Settings, click on the Edit button next to Translations, and then click on the Add Form Language button.
    • Select the language you want to translate the form to, and then click on the Add Form Language button.

    Now, the translated form will look like the one below:

    Changing the form language to English Screenshot 61

    7. Go to Form Warnings to see/edit any untranslated fields. And here you can edit the translated fields too. It'll be automatically saved when you add or edit any text.

    Changing the form language to English Screenshot 72

    8. When you're done making the form multilingual, you can click on Preview Form to see how it'll look to anyone filling out your form:

    Changing the form language to English Screenshot 83

    Give it a try and let us know if you need any help.