Poprawiony nr konta w umowie

  • Sebastian Dariusz Maruszak
    Asked on 15 czerwca 2023 06:49


    Chciałbym poinformować o błędzie podczas podpisania umowy. Błąd dotyczy nr konta gdzie widnieje nr karty. Podpisałem drugi dokument z poprawnymi danymi. Proszę o sprawdzenie dokumentów i zaakceptować. W załączniku jest zrzut ekranu z poprawnymi danymi bankowymi. Dziękuję

    Jotform Thread 5246337 Screenshot
  • Mary Eden Jotform Support
    Replied on 15 czerwca 2023 09:35

    Hello Sebastian,

    Thanks for reaching out to us for help. I would like to inform you that I am using a translation tool to assist you and with that being said, please allow me to help you with your inquiry.

    Just so I'm clear, you signed two documents, but the account number on the first document appears to be wrong, correct? If so, do you own this document or does another individual? 

    If you are not the document owner, please contact the owner so he/she can verify the accuracy of the information you submitted by reviewing the data entered on his end. If this doesn't appear correctly on his end, you may want to request another chance to sign the document as there is no possibility that these data could be modified.

    Please note that due to the legality of the document generated from Jotform Sign, we are unable to alter, modify, or gain access to it. We also have a guide about How to Use Jotform Sign that you can check out.

    Reach out again if there’s anything else we can help you with.