Summer Camp Consent Agreement Templates

7 Templates

Summer Camp Parental Consent

Create a summer camp consent form for parents of your campers. Intuitive form building. No coding required. Drag and drop to design. iOS and Android compatible.

Summer Camp Permission Slip

Create summer camp permission slips for parents of your campers. Intuitive form building. Drag and drop to design. Works on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.

Summer Camp Activity Waiver Template

Create a summer camp activity waiver for parents of your campers. Intuitive form building. No coding required. Drag and drop to design. iOS and Android compatible.

Summer Camp Fee Waiver Template

Collect summer camp fee waivers with ease. Gather signatures and camper details. Customize in seconds. Share via email. Fill out seamlessly on any device.

Camper Parental Authorization Template

Get parent signatures and enroll your campers fast. Easy-to-use form builder. Works on mobile devices — iOS and Android friendly. No coding.

Camper Stay Over Permission Template

Collect overnight permission slips and signatures from your campers and their guardians. Download and store responses as PDFs. Drag and drop to customize.

About Summer Camp Consent Agreement Templates

A summer camp consent agreement is a parental consent form, activity waiver, or permission slip that serves as proof a camper has been authorized to participate in camp activities. If you manage a summer camp, our free Summer Camp Consent Agreement Sign Templates will automatically generate polished PDFs containing parent signatures and camper information. To get started, create your consent form or use one of our free summer camp consent form templates. Then connect it with one of our PDF templates below, which you can customize to match your form and summer camp branding.

Our drag-and-drop PDF Editor is just as easy to use as our Form Builder. Without any coding, you can change the template design, add a signature field, and upload your summer camp logo for a professional look. When you’re done, your custom Summer Camp Consent Agreement Template will instantly convert form submissions into PDFs that you can easily download, print, and share with other camp staff. With our Summer Camp Consent Agreements documenting parental consent, you can guarantee that each camper has the permission they need to have fun this summer!

These templates are suggested forms only. If you're using a form as a contract, or to gather personal (or personal health) info, or for some other purpose with legal implications, we recommend that you do your homework to ensure you are complying with applicable laws and that you consult an attorney before relying on any particular form.