Packing Slip Template

About this template

A packing slip is a document containing an itemized list detailing the contents of articles in a shipping package. It is also called a waybill or shipping list and is sometimes confused with a bill of lading, an invoice, or a sales receipt. Compared to a bill of lading, the latter denotes a transfer of ownership and hence, is a legal document, whereas a packing slip simply contains the information of items that the documents are received. This is quite similar to an invoice or a receipt except that generally, a packing slip does not indicate the price of items shipped.

This Packing Slip PDF Template is your best tool for automating processes in your business, particularly with regard to receiving or shipping articles, this template automatically creates a PDF document based on the information gathered and processed. With a database in place, members of your staff can look back to the historical data that you have processed to ensure proper inventory. This is best for shipping that provides services to various locations and with the intent to immediately have a central record in place.

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