Independent Contractor Non Solicitation Agreement
An independent contractor non-solicitation agreement is a formal agreement between a company and an independent contractor outlining the terms and conditions of a non-solicitation or non-compete, which forbids the independent contractor from working with a competitor. Customize this ready-made Independent Contractor Non-solicitation Agreement template however you see fit, then share it with participants via email to quickly collect e-signatures from any device.
Making changes to this Independent Contractor Non-solicitation Agreement is a snap with Jotform Sign’s powerful online builder. You can add or edit form fields, include additional signature fields, upload your company’s branding, change fonts and colors, and make other cosmetic changes without any coding. You can also set up an automated signing order to ensure you receive signatures in a timely manner.
These templates are suggested forms only. If you're using a form as a contract, or to gather personal (or personal health) info, or for some other purpose with legal implications, we recommend that you do your homework to ensure you are complying with applicable laws and that you consult an attorney before relying on any particular form.