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27 widgets
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Do you want to make your online Stores more advanced, stylish, or useful? Browse Jotform's widgets that have use cases from social to mapping to other.
Share and fill out forms and surveys in your custom app. Use this element to add as many forms as you like in your Store for easy access from any device.
Je kunt het formulierlabel en de beschrijving bijwerken en je formulier na indiening markeren als verplicht of voltooid. Je ontvangen formulieren worden direct in je Jotform-account opgeslagen, waar je ze in een tabel kunt bekijken, als PDF of rapport kunt downloaden, goedkeuren of afwijzen en met anderen kunt delen.
Do you want to make your online Stores more advanced, stylish, or useful? Browse Jotform's widgets that have use cases from social to mapping to other.