Toolkit voor onderwijstechnologie: Gericht op efficiëntie en besparingen
Gericht op efficiëntie en besparingen
De afgelopen jaren hebben schoolbestuurders snel moeten overstappen op digitale oplossingen voor virtueel leren en administratieve taken. De meeste bestuurders hadden weinig tijd om de implementatie van nieuwe programma's te plannen, een strategisch plan op te stellen of nieuwe programma's met bestaande tools te integreren. Nu hier meer tijd voor is tijd, hebben bestuurders de kans om meer samenhangende en efficiënte tools voor onderwijstechnologie in hun bestaande systemen te integreren.
Volgens een onderzoek van RAND Corporation ervaart 85% van de schooldirecteuren stress die aan hun werk is gerelateerd en heeft 59% van de docenten met burn-outverschijnselen te maken. Deze burn-outverschijnselen zorgen ervoor veel docenten op het punt staan om met hun werkzaamheden te stoppen. Uit cijfers van de National Education Association blijkt dat meer dan de helft van deze docenten aangeeft van plan te zijn om ontslag te nemen of eerder dan gepland met pensioen te gaan.
85% van de schooldirecteuren ervaart stress die aan hun werk is gerelateerd.
59% van de docenten heeft burn-outverschijnselen.
Wat kunnen bestuurders doen om burn-outverschijnselen te minimaliseren en schoolpersoneel te ondersteunen om uiteindelijk de ervaring van leerlingen te verbeteren? Ze kunnen krachtige toolkits voor onderwijstechnologie implementeren die administratieve taken automatiseren, gegevens beveiligen en de samenwerking tussen docenten verbeteren. Deze tools zorgen ervoor dat schoolmedewerkers minder tijdrovende taken hoeven uit te voeren en meer tijd aan leerlingen kunnen besteden.
Deze handleiding biedt een overzicht van hoe bestuurders zoals jij deze toolkits kunnen bouwen. We zullen ook inzicht bieden in hoe deze technologische oplossingen educatieve processen stroomlijnen, gegevens beschermen en de productiviteit verhogen om de ervaring van leerlingen, docenten en bestuurders te verbeteren.
Systeem voor enterprise resource planning (ERP)
Een ERP beheert en integreert de dagelijkse activiteiten en processen van je school, zoals boekhouding, middelenbeheer en naleving van wet- en regelgeving. Dit systeem zorgt ervoor dat de processen van je school worden gestroomlijnd en dat alle afdelingen overal toegang tot informatie kunnen krijgen om de samenwerking te verbeteren. Daarnaast kunnen ERP's terugkerende handelingen automatiseren, beheerders helpen om tijd te besparen bij het bijhouden van fysieke dossiers en de interne en externe communicatie optimaliseren.
Boekhoudsoftware voor scholen
Met boekhoudsoftware voor scholen kunnen beheerders rekeningen betalen, facturen versturen, documenten elektronisch ondertekenen, financiële rapporten genereren en de salarisadministratie beheren. Deze software zorgt ervoor dat je aan de toepasselijke regelgeving kunt voldoen en minder handmatige taken hoeft uit te voeren. Sommige beleidsmakers gebruiken boekhoudsoftware voor scholen zelfs om de vereisten voor leerprogramma's (muziek, kunstzinnige vorming, taal, enz.) te beoordelen, financieringen te beheren en beslissingen over budgetten van scholen te nemen.
Leerlinginformatiesysteem (LIS)
Een SIS (ook wel een 'leerlingbeheersysteem' genoemd) is een centraal punt waar alle leerlinginformatie wordt bewaard, zoals beoordelingen en cijferlijsten, notities over gedrag en werkhouding en aanwezigheidsregistraties. Met een leerlinginformatiesysteem kunnen de prestaties van leerlingen eenvoudig worden bijgehouden, geanalyseerd en gerapporteerd en kan de verzamelde informatie voor oudergesprekken worden gebruikt.
Beheersysteem faculteiten/schoolpersoneel
Met een beheersysteem voor faculteiten/schoolpersoneel kunnen schoolbeheerders de gegevens van werknemers, zoals docenten, schoonmakers en conciërges beter bijhouden en beheren. Met dit beheersysteem kunnen beheerders op één plek persoonlijke informatie van werknemers (zoals adres, kwalificaties, referenties en salarissen) en gegevens over prestaties, onboarding en verlofaanvragen organiseren. Daarnaast kunnen beheerders via het systeem eenvoudig toegang tot informatie van personeel krijgen om jaarlijkse beoordelingen, promoties of disciplinaire maatregelen te beheren.
Beheersoftware voor aangepast onderwijs
Veel docenten, ouders en beheerders gebruiken beheersoftware voor aangepast onderwijs om het individuele onderwijsprogramma van leerlingen met speciale behoeften te beheren. Deze tools voor onderwijstechnologie worden vaak met een leerlinginformatiesysteem geïntegreerd en helpen om een individueel onderwijsprogramma te ontwikkelen dat op de specifieke onderwijsbehoeften, doelstellingen en leerdoelen van elke leerling met speciale behoeften is afgestemd. Deze oplossingen helpen zelfs bij de uitvoering van nalevingscontroles, evaluaties en andere wet- en regelgeving en het bijhouden en rapporteren van leerlinggegevens met betrekking tot beperkingen om resultaten te verbeteren, inclusiviteit te bevorderen, de faciliteiten uit te breiden en de prestatiekloof te overbruggen.
Systeem voor evenementenbeheer
Een krachtig systeem voor evenementenbeheer helpt beheerders om schoolevenementen te plannen en te promoten, de organisatie soepel te laten verlopen en het succes van evenementen te meten. Deze tool is vooral handig voor scholen die evenementen willen promoten om het aantal bezoekers te verhogen en meer inkomsten te genereren, bijvoorbeeld om nieuwe apparatuur voor de school aan te schaffen of een excursie te organiseren.
Beheersysteem voor sport
Op veel scholen speelt sport een grote rol. Daarom kan het gebruik van een uitgebreid beheersysteem voor sport helpen om informatie te beheren. Deze oplossing kan worden gebruikt om voor alle sporten verschillende gegevens bij te houden en te beheren, zoals ondertekende toestemmingsformulieren, sportkleding en merchandise, financiële ondersteuning, het scouten van talenten en de studiebeurzen die studenten krijgen.
CRM-systeem (customer relationship management)
Het is belangrijk om een CRM-systeem aan je toolkit toe te voegen om relaties met huidige en toekomstige leerlingen te personaliseren en te beheren. Deze oplossing voor onderwijstechnologie geeft een duidelijker beeld van hoe je personeel met studenten en ouders communiceert en helpt om je toelatings- en inschrijvingsproces te stroomlijnen, contactmomenten met potentiële studenten te plannen en betalingen van collegegelden te verzamelen en te beheren. Bovendien kan een CRM-systeem inzicht in demografische gegevens bieden door deze visueel weer te geven. Je kunt deze informatie gebruiken om het aantal inschrijvingen in kaart te brengen en je wervingsinspanningen te optimaliseren als je onderwijsinstelling te weinig nieuwe inschrijvingen heeft.
Contentmanagementsysteem (CMS)
Contentmanagementsystemen zorgen ervoor dat niet alleen grote ondernemingen, maar elke organisatie gepersonaliseerde en aantrekkelijke webpagina's en content kunnen maken. Deze tools voor onderwijstechnologie helpen beheerders en docenten om een website voor je onderwijsinstelling te bouwen en te beheren die voor zowel ouders als leerlingen aantrekkelijk, toegankelijk en veilig is.
Zo kunnen de behoeften van studenten en docenten en die van ander schoolpersoneel sterk van elkaar verschillen. Daarom is het handig om voor beide een afzonderlijke tool te gebruiken die bij voorkeur kan worden geïntegreerd met de andere tools voor onderwijstechnologie die je onderwijsinstelling gebruikt. Op deze manier kun je de communicatie stroomlijnen door specifieke medewerkers en studenten alleen toegang te geven tot informatie die voor hen relevant is.
Systeem voor e-mailmarketing
Het heeft veel voordelen om een systeem voor e-mailmarketing aan je toolkit voor onderwijstechnologie toe te voegen. Een e-mailmarketingsysteem is kosteneffectief en biedt je de mogelijkheid om je hele school snel en efficiënt op de hoogte te brengen en de openingspercentages van e-mails te verbeteren. E-mailmarketingtools bieden vooral voordelen voor instellingen die privéonderwijs aanbieden omdat beheerders gepersonaliseerde marketingcampagnes kunnen opzetten om zich te onderscheiden van concurrenten en het aantal inschrijvingen te verhogen.
Learning management system (LMS)
Used to create, administer, and manage educational courses and report on outcomes, an LMS works for face-to-face, virtual, or hybrid learning environments. The best ones have all the tools you need to run a classroom — creating quizzes, monitoring student participation, engaging learners, and automating the grading process.
Professional development software
No matter how long you’ve been in the education field, there’s always more to learn and better ways to optimize your existing methods. Professional development software, particularly programs with some form of built-in professional learning community (PLC), can help your faculty enhance their techniques and effectiveness. These online platforms help administrators ensure high-quality classroom instruction, encourage peer-to-peer coaching and collaboration, identify areas of interest for future professional development programs and seminars, and onboard new teachers and personnel.
Curriculum management system
Manually brainstorming, developing, and launching curriculum is time-consuming for teachers. They have to cull the internet for relevant resources and ensure their instructional materials align with their district and state standards. However, curriculum management software helps combat these challenges by automating curriculum approval processes and mapping, measuring outcomes, and facilitating collaboration between teachers and administrators.
Audit your tech toolkit
As you can see, there is a wide variety of technology solutions for education. Although you may want to adopt them all, not only is it expensive, it’s a bit unrealistic. While you may have started using a few solutions years ago as you quickly adapted to providing remote learning, with more time now to do proper research, you can focus on building an educator’s technology toolkit that meets your school’s specific needs.
Klaar om aan de slag te gaan?
Begin by auditing your existing tech toolkit to find out what’s working, what’s not, and what can be improved before you make any decisions about which new educator technology capabilities to invest in next.
Assemble a tech audit task force
To provide the right resources for your staff, you need to gather the right team — teachers, departmental stakeholders, and others who engage daily with different education technology tools. Set up a meeting with some of your school’s teachers, department heads, guidance counselors, office staff, nurses, and athletic directors, and ask them to provide their opinions — positive and negative — on your existing educator’s technology toolkit.
If you’re feeling especially ambitious, you can even distribute a survey beforehand to better prepare for the meeting. This act of shared leadership makes your faculty feel seen, heard, and valued.
Gather feedback about each existing solution
Once your tech audit task force has been assembled, ask each member to tell you the positive aspects, challenges, and shortcomings of every solution they use on a regular basis. List each tool and ask your staff the following:
Survey stakeholders to identify technology gaps and opportunities
- Who uses this tool?
- What are its pros and cons?
- What are some specific features you wish it had or wish worked better?
- Is it comparable to another tool in our toolkit? If so, is it better or worse?
- Does it work well with other solutions in our current toolkit? If so, how? If not, how?
- What would happen if you got rid of this tool? What would its removal look like for you, students, their parents, and the school overall?
Asking your staff what they need instead of making assumptions about what you think they need encourages real, honest feedback. Allowing your team to share their impartial opinions in a safe space will improve the chances you cut ineffectual tools from the tech toolkit to make room for software they actually want, need, and will use. Ideally, the more efficiently more tech is used, the more productive and effective your operations will become.
Identify operational overlaps and inefficiencies between different platforms
After your tech toolkit roundtable, it’s important to do some basic research about what each tool you’re using does. Learn about its most popular features, what it’s supposed to do for you, and how it’s supposed to communicate and work with other software.
Then, referencing your notes from your task force meeting, assess each tool. Does it unnecessarily complicate everyday processes? Does it overlap with the functionality of other tools? Does it integrate with other systems? If a tool duplicates work, uses excessive resources (labor, money, or time), or increases human error, it’s inefficient and needs to go.
Analyze performance metrics and costs
Another important aspect of auditing your tech toolkit is analyzing each solution’s performance metrics and costs, and comparing it to similar education technology tools on the market. Are you paying too much for limited features? Is it scalable? At what point does it experience issues and fail? What is each tool’s average response time?
To answer these questions, run some performance tests, like load or stress tests, with a performance-testing tool.
LOAD TESTING measures the tool’s performance as the workload increases (e.g., downloading many internet files at once or sending a large amount of jobs to a printer’s queue). Does the response time lag, improve, or stay the same as normal working conditions are pushed?
STRESS TESTINGor fatigue testing, measures the software’s performance beyond normal working conditions (e.g., when a large number of users try to log into a program at once). By testing the program’s robustness and capacity for error handling, you can measure its stability, how it might fail, and how well it can recover.
Once you decide which performance-testing tool to use, it’s best to run it about once a year to ensure all solutions are operating smoothly. Perform these tests on weekends or days when the least amount of people are working to limit tech interruptions.
These performance tests help you better understand your existing toolkit — each application’s speed, accuracy, stability, and inconsistencies across different operating systems — so you can remove education technology tools that are impractical.
Research more integrative solutions
After you’ve surveyed your team about your existing toolkit, identified challenges and inefficiencies, and run performance tests, it’s time to start looking for the best solutions for your school.
These performance tests help you better understand your existing toolkit — each application’s speed, accuracy, stability, and inconsistencies across different operating systems — so you can remove education technology tools that are impractical.
TECHNICAL DEBTThe implied cost of additional rework caused by choosing an easy (limited) solution now instead of using a better approach that would take longer.
Find the right education technology tools for your toolkit
While price is an important factor when choosing the right solution for your school, it’s not the only component to take into consideration. After all, cost doesn’t equate to value. If two seemingly comparable solutions differ significantly in price, one might be more comprehensive than the other, offering more features, security, and scalability. Investing in one robust system that includes more features and functionality than other smaller ones could ultimately save you money in the long run.
“Investing in one robust system that includes more features and functionality than other smaller ones could ultimately save you money in the long run.”
To add the right education technology tools to your toolkit, look for ones that accomplish the following:
- Store data in a local data residency center
- Versleutel uw formulieren
- Offer password protection and Google reCAPTCHA
- Meet compliance standards, including
- HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)
- PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard)
- CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act)
- GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
Without proper security measures in place, you put your school at greater risk for data breaches that may include leaked personal and confidential student information, such as names, birthdays, races, and behaviors (e.g., “unhoused” or “excessive talking”). Ask prospective technology providers if their products and services are routinely tested or audited for security. Ideally, your technology suppliers should be able to provide a SOC 2 report (or similar audit) that details security measures and protocols.
In addition to ensuring your digital solutions include powerful cybersecurity technologies, prioritize digital literacy and wellness. Create a digital safety plan about how to follow safety and privacy laws in your school — especially the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) — and review it regularly with staff, students, and parents. The more everyone knows how to prevent cyberattacks, the safer your learning community will be.
That being said, don’t rush to put a solution in place. Take the time to find tools that can automate your everyday processes without simultaneously putting some students at a disadvantage. As an administrator, it’s imperative for you to choose software that considers the long-term effects on children, education, and society, and does its best to prioritize human choice (i.e., lets students opt out of certain data collection without compromising their ability to be included in the system or use the software).
Integrate with other technology solutions for education
Remember the tech audit you performed, where you learned which tools play well in the sandbox together? Your new education technology tools need to speak to and work with each other too. If they can’t integrate with other tools and share valuable data seamlessly, then they shouldn’t be part of your educator’s technology toolkit. Integrated systems help you save time and money, improve work culture, and boost productivity. They also help provide more actionable, accurate, accessible, and secure data.
Consider a professional learning community, or PLC, for example. With integrated systems, your teachers can use different education technology tools to set up communication channels — shareable forms and surveys, email, text chats, or video calls — to share best practices and advice, stay informed about new research, and collaborate in real time.
Are user-friendly
While finding a safe, secure education platform for your toolkit is essential, so is ease of use. If faculty members, students, and teachers can’t use the software — or have to undergo hours of training to get the hang of it — your toolkit will prove useless, no matter how good it is. While researching various solutions, read reviews about usability and even take advantage of free trial periods to give the software a test run.
Are scalable and innovative
Running a school is similar to running a business. You have to answer to customers (staff, students, and parents) and bosses, provide value, and be productive — all while keeping costs to a minimum. You also have to be continually adaptable and flexible, prepared for whatever life — and the district — throws at you.
To best handle these challenges, it’s smart to choose software that scales up or down to meet your school’s ever-changing budget, staff, enrollment, and technological needs. Find technology that’s customizable, expansive, innovative, and can support increased workloads, users, and data. Scalable, innovative software drives creativity, engagement, morale, and productivity school-wide, helping staff and students use technology to optimize the way they teach and learn.
Build a better educator’s toolkit for your school
Tech-driven transformation doesn’t have to be an expensive or nerve-racking endeavor, especially now that you have some time to do it right. Talk to your team, audit your existing toolkit, and do some research to figure out which tools to optimize and remove to enhance your school’s teaching and learning community.
Tech-driven transformation doesn’t have to be an expensive or nerve-racking endeavor, especially now that you have some time to do it right.
Most importantly, remember that no education toolkit is built overnight. While it’s exciting to imagine all the different ways technology can streamline your processes, protect your data, and create a better experience school-wide, these changes can’t be rushed. Start small with one or two departments and build gradually over time. Introducing education technology tools takes patience, staff communication, and consistent check-ins and tweaks to reflect the changing needs of both your school and the education sector at large.
Here are some ways to build an effective toolkit for your school.
Set new performance goals
It’s important to set performance goals with your staff based on a pre-and posttechnology toolkit mindset. Learning and adopting new tech takes time, so give your faculty and yourself some grace as you attempt to meet or exceed old performance goals and make new ones. Set goals with your team, not for them, and explain clear expectations regarding how you’re going to measure progress so you’re on the same page.
Identify a solution that connects with all other platforms
When optimizing existing solutions and finding new ones, consolidation is the name of the game. To save time and money, centralize all standalone platforms into one solution whenever possible. This cohesive environment ensures better control, security, data sharing, and collaboration.
To save time and money, centralize all standalone platforms into one solution whenever possible.
Continue collecting and analyzing user feedback
Ultimately, the success of your education technology tools relies on whether or not they’re being used. If your staff, students, and parents think your software is too complicated, limited, slow, or downright inconvenient, you need to know. This could mean you’re paying for something that’s ineffectual and maybe even problematic, which is the opposite of what you’re hoping to provide for your school.
Continue sending out surveys, meeting with your tech audit task force (even if its members fluctuate), and popping into classrooms from time to time to remind staff and students that their opinions matter. Consider doing these check-ins once or twice a year and a few weeks after you introduce any type of new technology.
Schedule time with your tech task force — perhaps at the end of the school year — to review your existing toolkit, survey results and overall feedback, and make iterative improvements. By continually checking in and collecting feedback throughout the school year, you’ll avoid large fires and will only have to make minor improvements to existing tools. Your staff won’t have to hastily learn new tech, you won’t have to overspend, and everyone will be able to get more out of the toolkit year after year.
Educator’s technology — the key to a prosperous, more engaging teaching and learning environment
A few years ago, when remote education became necessary, you did all you could to create a virtual learning environment. You put systems in place to help faculty, students, and parents navigate a new, constantly changing digital classroom. You made some mistakes, you experienced some successes, and you learned a lot.
Now you have both the time and know-how to create a stronger, more versatile education toolkit — one that gives you the flexibility to handle unexpected situations, the security to protect your data, and the scalability to grow and thrive.