
  • Bopro
    Gevraagd op 16 november 2023 om 04:25


    Wij hebben onlangs voor één maand onze JOTForm geüpgraded naar Brons. Zouden we hiervan een factuur kunnen ontvangen aub? Dit is nodig voor onze administratie.




  • William_C
    Geantwoord op 16 november 2023 om 07:25

    Hi Charlotte,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I am using a translator to understand your question so please bear with me. In any case, still, feel free to answer back in your local language if that would help you express your issue better. If you prefer for someone to help you in your local language, just let us know so we can forward it to them. Meanwhile, I will answer your issue in English.

    You can open your invoice through the following steps:

    1. Click on your Avatar/Profile Picture
    2. Go to Settings.
    3. Next, go to the Billing tab.
    4. On this page you will find the Invoices section. Click on the View link on each invoice to see their details.

    Factuur Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Feel free to let us know if you have any other questions.