How to remove the header image?

  • mart7512
    Gevraagd op 20 juni 2023 om 04:35

    In mijn app blijft een icoontje staan met app titl.

    Dit is links boven.

    kan ik dit weg halen

  • ozgunberber
    Geantwoord op 20 juni 2023 om 07:33

    Hi mart7512,

    Thanks for reaching out to us. Unfortunately, our Dutch Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment, and I’ll answer your question in English. 

    I’ve checked your forms and I assume that this form is the one you mentioned. I saw that you add both a Header Image and Heading Text. You can easily delete the uploaded image and center the Heading Text. Let me show you how to do it:

    1. In Form Builder, select the Header field, then click on the Gear icon.

    2. Under the Heading Image tab, click on Remove Image.

    3. Click on the General tab, and select Center on the Text Alignment section. That’s it!

    How to remove the header image? Image 1 Screenshot 20

    If this is not the case or form you mentioned, can you provide more details so that we can help you better? 

    If you can share screenshots or screen recordings, it will be helpful for us to understand. To do that, you can follow this guide, or if you want to share a screen recording, you can use Loom.

    Give it a try, and let us know how it goes.