Having issues cloning a form

  • VSenV
    Gevraagd op 7 juni 2023 om 07:33

    Ik kan helaas weer geen kloon maken van een formulier. Alleen via Importeer formulier, maar dat zijn recente formulieren.
    Ik wil een kloon maken van Zomerborrel vertalers 2022, maar dat lukt dus niet. Graag snel een oplossing.

    Having issues cloning a form Image 1 Screenshot 20

  • Mary Eden Jotform Support
    Geantwoord op 7 juni 2023 om 08:17

    Hello VSenV,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support and we’re sorry you’re having trouble cloning your form. At the moment, our Dutch support is helping other Jotform users. I'll try to help you in English by using Google Translate, and you can respond in any language you prefer. 

    Now in reference to cloning your form "Zomerborrel vertalers 2022", will you be able to provide us the link to your form so we can clone it and we can transfer the cloned form to your account? Alternatively, you can follow these steps on how you can clone your form. Let me show you how:

    1. Open your My Forms page and click on Create Form on the left side of the page.

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    2. In the window that opens up, click on Import Form

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    3. In the next window, click on From a Webpage

    4. Paste the form link into the Enter URL field and click on Create Form.

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    After cloning your form, it will open up in Form Builder automatically. We also have a guide about How to Clone an Existing Form From a URL that you can check out.

    Give it a try and let us know if you need any more help.