Dana VanhoolstGevraagd op 3 oktober 2022 om 15:06
Kan je in zo een 1ste vraag zetten met neemt deel of neemt niet deel. Als je neemt niet deel aanklikt, kan je dan de rest van de vragen niet laten overslaan?
Dragana_R Jotform SupportGeantwoord op 5 oktober 2022 om 08:27
Hi Dana,
Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I assume you want to show specific fields based on the previous user's answer. In that case, I've created a demo form to show you how this workaround functions in action. You can check it out here. To clone it for testing, use this guide. Now, let me show you how I created it step by step:
- I added Single Choice fields first.
- Then, I created the following Show / Hide Field conditions:
If the value is Yes:
If the value is No:
The final result looks as follows:
Please check out the following guides for more information and guidance on this topic:
Reach out again if you need any other help.